

"Mr.Watson,am I a Democrat or a Republican?"The old gentleman laughed outright."Don't you know,Ken?""No,sir,I haven't asked myself before.""Then I advise you to be a Republican.""Why?""Because Hopkins is a Democrat,and we may then ?ght him openly.""What is the difference,sir,between the two parties?""There is no difference of importance.All Americans are loyal citizens,whichever side they adopt in politics.But the two parties are the positive and negative poles that provide the current of electricity for our nation,and keep it going properly.Also they safeguard our interests by watching one another.""What is your preference,sir?""I've always been a Republican,whenever I dabbled ina politics,which hasn't been often.""Then I will be a Republican.""Very good.""I am sorry to say that I know nothing about politics and have no convictions on the subject.Who is to oppose the Honorable Erastus on the—on our side?""I don't know yet.The primaries for the nomination are not to be held for two weeks,and the Republican candidates seem shy about coming forward.""Didn't you say the district was Republican?""Yes;but since Hopkins defeated them last term they seem to be terrified,and no one likes to offer himself as a possible sacri?ce.""That feeling will probably elect Mr.Hopkins,"declaredKenneth,with conviction."Unless—""Unless what,sir?""Unless we come to the rescue of the Republicans and take a hand in local politics ourselves,my lad."Kenneth pushed back his chair and rose from the table.He walked to the window and stood there whistling for a few moments,and then left the room without a word.

For a time Mr.Watson sat silently musinga.

"Perhaps I'm inviting trouble,"he murmured;"but I am sure I am doing right.The boy needs a good shaking up and more knowledge of his fellow—men.If I can get Kenneth interested,this plan of mine will be of great bene?t to him."Then he,too,left the breakfast table,and wanderinginto the garden saw Kenneth busy at his easel in a shady corner.

For a day or so the,subject was not resumed,and then Mr.Watson casually introduced it.

"A law could be passed in the State Legislature forbidding the display of all advertising signs in public places in this county,"he suggested.

The boy looked at him eagerly."Are you sure?"he asked.

"I am positive,"was the answer."It is merely a question of privilege.""And you think we might hire Hopkins to pass such alaw?""No;we couldn't trust him.""Then what do you propose?""I'll think it over,my lad,and let you know."Then he walked away,leaving Kenneth much pleased with the idea he had advanced.Indeed,he was so much interested in the suggestion that he himself referred to the subject at the ?rst opportunity.

"I don't like to be beaten,sir,once I've undertaken to doa thing,"he said."So if such a law can be passed I'll do all I can to elect the man who will pass it.""I thought as much,"the old lawyer replied,smiling.

"But there's only one man who could go to the legislature with enough in?uence to win the votes to carry such a unique measure through.""And who is that,sir?""Kenneth Forbes,the owner of Elmhurst,and the largest taxpayer in the county.""Me,sir?""You're the man.""A State Representative?"

"It's an honorable of?ce.It's an important of?ce,properly ?lled.You might not only beautify your district by having those objectionable signs prohibited,but do many other things to better the condition of the farmers.And that isn't all.""What's the rest,Mr.Watson?""You owe something to yourself,lad.All your young life you've been too self—contained and exclusive in your habits.'The noblest study of mankind is man.'It would broaden you to go into politics for a time,and do much to develop your character and relieve the monotonya of your existence."Kenneth frowned.

"It won't be easy,you know.It'll be a ?ght,and a hard one,for Hopkins won't give up his job if he can help it."The boy brightened again.

"I like a good ?ght,"he said,wistfullyb."If I thought—if I believed I could fill the position with credit—I might undertake it.""I'll answer for that,"retorted the old man,highlypleased with his easy victory."You win the fight,Ken,and I'll guarantee you'll outclass the majority of your fellow Representatives.It's a good state,too."So the thing was undertaken,and both the young manand the old threw themselves into the contest with energy and determination.

Mr.Watson rode in his buggy all over their district during the next fortnight,and interviewed the farmers and townsmen of the legislative district.When it became noised about that the young owner of Elmhurst,now barely twenty—one,had determined to enter politics,and asked for the nomination of Representative,no other Republican ventured to oppose him.

It was understood to mean a hard fight,and even the most sturdya Republican was inclined to fear that the present incumbentb of the of?ce would be elected to succeed himself.

So the primaries were held and Kenneth attended and made a speech,and was warmly applauded.His nomination was a matter of course,and he went home the unanimousc choice of his party,because none of the older and more discreet politicians ventured to risk defeat.

The Hon.Erastus Hopkins well knew this feeling,and smiled in his pompousd and most sardonice manner when he learned who was his opponent.Having conquered an old and tried Republican warrior in the last campaign,he had no fears in regard to this mere boy,who could know little of political intrigue.

"He won't put up enough of a ?ght to make it interesting,I'm afraid,"Mr.Hopkins con?ded to his croniesf.

But he didn't intend to take chances,so he began the campaign with his usual vigor.

It was now the middle of September,and the election wasto be early in November.

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