

‘Well,’said the still waiting Harriet;‘well-and-and what shall I do?’

‘What shall you do!In what respect?Do you mean with regard to this letter?’


‘But what are you in doubt of?You must answer it of course,and speedily.’

‘Yes.But what shall I say?Dear Miss Woodhouse,do advise me.’

‘Oh,no,no;the letter had much better be all your own.You will express yourself very properly,I am sure.There is no danger of your not being intelligible,which is the first thing.Your meaning must be unequivocal;no doubts or demurs;and such expressions of gratitude and concern for the pain you are inflicting as propriety requires,will present themselves unbidden to your mind,I am persuaded.You need not be prompted to write with the appearance of sorrow for his disappointment.’

‘You think I ought to refuse him then?’said Harriet,looking down.

‘Ought to refuse him!My dear Harriet,what do you mean?Are you in any doubt as to that?I thought-but I beg your pardon,perhaps I have been under a mistake.I certainly have been misunderstanding you,if you feel in doubt as to the purport of your answer.I had imagined you were consulting me only as to the wording of it.’

Harriet was silent.With a little reserve of manner,Emma continued:

‘You mean to return a favourable answer,I collect.’

‘No,I do not;that is,I do not mean-what shall I do?What would you advise me to do?Pray,dear Miss Woodhouse,tell me what I ought to do.’

‘I shall not give you any advice,Harriet.I will have nothing to do with it.This is a point which you must settle with your own feelings.’

‘I had no notion that he liked me so very much,’said Harriet,contemplating the letter.For a little while Emma persevered in her silence;but,beginning to apprehend the bewitching flattery of that letter might be too powerful,she thought it best to say:

‘I lay it down as a general rule,Harriet,that if a woman doubts as to whether she would accept a man or not,she certainly ought to refuse him.If she can hesitate as to “Yes”,she ought to say “No”,directly.It is not a state to be safely entered into with doubtful feelings,with half a heart.I thought it my duty as a friend,and older than yourself,to say thus much to you.But do not imagine that I want to influence you.’

‘Oh,no,I am sure you are a great deal too kind to-but if you would just advise me what I had best do-no,no,I do not mean that-as you say,one's mind ought to be quite made up-one should not be hesitating-it is a very serious thing.It will be safer to say “No”,perhaps.Do you think I had better say “No”?’

‘Not for the world,’said Emma,smiling graciously,‘would I advise you either way.You must be the best judge of your own happiness.If you prefer Mr Martin to every other person,if you think him the most agreeable man you have ever been in company with,why should you hesitate?You blush,Harriet.Does anybody else occur to you at this moment under such a definition?Harriet,Harriet,do not deceive yourself;do not be run away with by gratitude and compassion.At this moment whom are you thinking of?’

The symptoms were favourable.Instead of answering,Harriet turned away confused,and stood thoughtfully by the fire;and though the letter was still in her hand,it was now mechanically twisted about without regard.Emma waited the result with impatience,but not without strong hopes.At last,with some hesitation,Harriet said:

‘Miss Woodhouse,as you will not give me your opinion,I must do as well as I can by myself;and I have now quite determined,and really almost made up my mind to refuse Mr Martin.Do you think I am right?’

‘Perfectly,perfectly right,my dearest Harriet;you are doing just what you ought.While you were at all in suspense,I kept my feelings to myself,but now that you are so completely decided,I have no hesitation in approving.Dear Harriet,I give myself joy of this.It would have grieved me to lose your acquaintance,which must have been the consequence of your marrying Mr Martin.While you were in the smallest degree wavering,I said nothing about it,because I would not influence;but it would have been the loss of a friend to me.I could not have visited Mrs Robert Martin,of Abbey Mill Farm.Now I am secure of you for ever.’

Harriet had not surmised her own danger,but the idea of it struck her forcibly.

‘You could not have visited me!’she cried,looking aghast.‘No,to be sure you could not;but I never thought of that before.That would have been too dreadful!What an escape!Dear Miss Woodhouse,I would not give up the pleasure and honour of being intimate with you for anything in the world.’

‘Indeed,Harriet,it would have been a severe pang to lose you;but it must have been.You would have thrown yourself out of all good society.I must have given you up.’

‘Dear me!How should I ever have borne it?It would have killed me never to come to Hartfield any more.’

‘Dear,affectionate creature!You banished to Abbey Mill Farm!You confined to the society of the illiterate and vulgar all your life!I wonder how the young man could have the assurance to ask it.He must have a pretty good opinion of himself.’

‘I do not think he is conceited,either,in general,’said Harriet,her conscience opposing such censure;‘at least,he is very good-natured,and I shall always feel much obliged to him,and have a great regard for-but that is quite a different thing from-and you know,though he may like me,it does not follow that I should-and,certainly,I must confess that since my visiting here,I have seen people-and if one comes to compare them,person and manners,there is no comparison at all,one is so very handsome and agreeable.However,I do really think Mr Martin a very amiable young man,and have a great opinion of him;and his being so much attached to me,and his writing such a letter;but as to leaving you,it is what I would not do upon any consideration.’

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