

‘I can hardly believe you,’he replied;‘I know your looks too well.How long have you had it?’

‘Since a little before dinner.It is nothing but the heat.’

‘Did you go out in the heat?’

‘Go out!to be sure she did,’said Mrs Norris;‘would you have her stay within such a fine day as this?Were not we all out?Even your mother was out today for above an hour.’

‘Yes,indeed,Edmund,’added her ladyship,who had been thoroughly awakened by Mrs Norris's sharp reprimand to Fanny;‘I was out above an hour.I sat three quarters of an hour in the flower garden,while Fanny cut the roses,and very pleasant it was I assure you,but very hot.It was shady enough in the alcove,but I declare I quite dreaded the coming home again.’

‘Fanny has been cutting roses,has she?’

‘Yes,and I am afraid they will be the last this year.Poor thing!She found it hot enough,but they were so full blown,that one could not wait.’

‘There was no help for it certainly,’rejoined Mrs Norris,in a rather softened voice;‘but I question whether her headache might not be caught then,sister.There is nothing so likely to give it as standing and stooping in a hot sun.But I dare say it will be well tomorrow.Suppose you let her have your aromatic vinegar;I always forget to have mine filled.’

‘She has got it,’said Lady Bertram;‘she has had it ever since she came back from your house the second time.’

‘What!’cried Edmund;‘has she been walking as well as cutting roses;walking across the hot park to your house,and doing it twice,ma'am?-No wonder her head aches.’

Mrs Norris was talking to Julia,and did not hear.

‘I was afraid it would be too much for her,’said Lady Bertram;‘but when the roses were gathered,your aunt wished to have them,and then you know they must be taken home.’

‘But were there roses enough to oblige her to go twice?’

‘No;but they were to be put into the spare room to dry;and,unluckily,Fanny forgot to lock the door of the room and bring away the key,so she was obliged to go again.’

Edmund got up and walked about the room,saying,‘And could nobody be employed on such an errand but Fanny?-Upon my word,ma'am,it has been a very ill-managed business.’

‘I am sure I do not know how it was to have been done better,’cried Mrs Norris,unable to be longer deaf;‘unless I had gone myself indeed;but I cannot be in two places at once;and I was talking to Mr Green at that very time about your mother's dairymaid,by her desire,and had promised John Groom to write to Mrs Jefferies about his son,and the poor fellow was waiting for me half an hour.I think nobody can justly accuse me of sparing myself upon any occasion,but really I cannot do everything at once.And as for Fanny's just stepping down to my house for me,it is not much above a quarter of a mile,I cannot think I was unreasonable to ask it.How often do I pace it three times a-day,early and late,ay and in all weathers too,and say nothing about it.’

‘I wish Fanny had half your strength,ma'am.’

‘If Fanny would be more regular in her exercise,she would not be knocked up so soon.She has not been out on horseback now this long while,and I am persuaded,that when she does not ride,she ought to walk.If she had been riding before,I should not have asked it of her.But I thought it would rather do her good after being stooping among the roses;for there is nothing so refreshing as a walk after a fatigue of that kind;and though the sun was strong,it was not so very hot.Between ourselves,Edmund,’nodding significantly at his mother,‘it was cutting the roses,and dawdling about in the flower garden,that did the mischief.’

‘I am afraid it was,indeed,’said the more candid Lady Bertram,who had overheard her,‘I am very much afraid she caught the headache there,for the heat was enough to kill anybody.It was as much as I could bear myself.Sitting and calling to Pug,and trying to keep him from the flower beds,was almost too much for me.’

Edmund said no more to either lady;but going quietly to another table,on which the supper tray yet remained,brought a glass of Madeira to Fanny,and obliged her to drink the greater part.She wished to be able to decline it;but the tears which a variety of feelings created,made it easier to swallow than to speak.

Vexed as Edmund was with his mother and aunt,he was still more angry with himself.His own forgetfulness of her was worse than anything which they had done.Nothing of this would have happened had she been properly considered;but she had been left four days together without any choice of companions or exercise,and without any excuse for avoiding whatever her unreasonable aunts might require.He was ashamed to think that for four days together she had not had the power of riding,and very seriously resolved,however unwilling he must be to check a pleasure of Miss Crawford's,that it should never happen again.

Fanny went to bed with her heart as full as on the first evening of her arrival at the Park.The state of her spirits had probably had its share in her indisposition;for she had been feeling neglected,and been struggling against discontent and envy for some days past.As she leant on the sofa,to which she had retreated that she might not be seen,the pain of her mind had been much beyond that in her head;and the sudden change which Edmund's kindness had then occasioned,made her hardly know how to support herself.

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    《贝斯特英语·从零开始学英语:速成英语发音王》是一本由基础音标学起的初级英语口语书,供未接触过英语或学过英语而荒废了多年的人使用。从成人学英语的实际出发,语言深入浅出,内容简单、实用。 教材部分融视、听、说为一体。本书包含5大学习阶段(第一部分整装待发:零起点学发音;第二部分大步前进:掌握发音奥妙;第三部分初有成效:速学高频句型;第四部分大有收获:快知天下;第五部分 脱口而出:交流无障碍。)
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