
第5章 The Gardener(5)


Speak to me,my love!Tell me in words what you sang.

The night is dark.The stars are lost in clouds.The wind is sighing through the leaves.

I will let loose my hair.My blue cloak will cling round me like night.I will clasp your head to my bosom;and there in the sweet loneliness murmur on your heart.I will shut my eyes and listen.I will not look in your face.

When your words are ended,we will sit still and silent.Only the trees will whisper in the dark.

The night will pale.The day will dawn.We shall look at each other's eyes and go on our different paths.

Speak to me,my love!Tell me in words what you sang.


You are the evening cloud floating in the sky of my dreams.

I paint you and fashion you ever with my love longings.

You are my own,my own.Dweller in my endless dreams!

Your feet are rosy-red with the glow of my heart's desire.Gleaner of my sunset songs!

Your lips are bitter-sweet with the taste of my wine of pain.

You are my own,my own.Dweller in my lonesome dreams!

With the shadow of my passion have I darkened your eyes,Haunter of the depth of my gaze!

I have caught you and wrapt you,my love,in the net of my music.

You are my own,my own.Dweller in my deathless dreams!


My heart,the bird of the wilderness,has found its sky in your eyes.

They are the cradle of the morning,they are the kingdom of the stars.

My songs are lost in their depths.

Let me but soar in that sky,in its lonely immensity.

Let me but cleave its clouds and spread wings in its sunshine.


Tell me if this be all true,my lover,tell me if this be true.

When these eyes flash their lightning the dark clouds in your breast make stormy answer.

Is it true that my lips are sweet like the opening bud of the first conscious love?

Do the memories of vanished months of May linger in my limbs?

Does the earth,like a harp,shiver into songs with the touch of my feet?

Is it then true that the dewdrops fall from the eyes of night when I am seen,and the morning light is glad when it wraps my body round?

Is it true,is it true,that your love travelled alone through ages and worlds in search of me?

That when you found me at last,your agelong desire found utter peace in my gentle speech and my eyes and lips and flowing hair?

Is it then true that the mystery of the Infinite is written on this little forehead of mine?

Tell me,my lover,if all this be true.


I love you,beloved.Forgive me my love.

Like a bird losing its way I am caught.

When my heart was shaken it lost its veil and was naked.Cover it with pity,beloved,and forgive me my love.

If you cannot love me,beloved,forgive me my pain.

Do not look askance at me from afar.

I will steal back to my corner and sit in the dark.

With both hands I will cover my naked shame.

Turn your face from me,beloved,and forgive me my pain.

If you love me,beloved,forgive me my joy.

When my heart is borne away by the flood of happiness,do not smile at my perilous abandonment.

When I sit on my throne and rule you with my tyranny of love,when like a goddess I grant you my favour,bear with my pride,beloved,and forgive me my joy.


Do not go,my love,without asking my leave.

I have watched all night,and now my eyes are heavy with sleep.

I fear lest I lose you when I am sleeping.

Do not go,my love,without asking my leave.

I start up and stretch my hands to touch you.I ask myself,“Is it a dream?”

Could I but entangle your feet with my heart and hold them fast to my breast!

Do not go,my love,without asking my leave.


Lest I should know you too easily,you play with me.

You blind me with flashes of laughter to hide your tears.

I know,I know your art,

You never say the word you would.

Lest I should not prize you,you elude me in a thousand ways.

Lest I should confuse you with the crowd,you stand aside.

I know,I know your art,

You never walk the path you would.

Your claim is more than that of others,that is why you are silent.

With playful carelessness you avoid my gifts.

I know,I know your art,

You never will take what you would.


He whispered,“My love,raise your eyes.”

I sharply chid him,and said “Go!”But he did not stir.

He stood before me and held both my hands.I said,“Leave me!”But he did not go.

He brought his face near my ear.I glanced at him and said,“What a shame!”But he did not move.

His lips touched my cheek.I trembled and said,“You dare too much.”But he had no shame.

He put a flower in my hair.I said,“It is useless!”But he stood unmoved.

He took the garland from my neck and went away.I weep and ask my heart,“Why does he not come back?”


Would you put your wreath of fresh flowers on my neck,fair one?

But you must know that the one wreath that I had woven is for the many,for those who are seen in glimpses,or dwell in lands unexplored,or live in poets’songs.

It is too late to ask my heart in return for yours.

There was a time when my life was like a bud,all its perfume was stored in its core.

Now it is squandered far and wide.

Who knows the enchantment that can gather and shut it up again?

My heart is not mine to give to one only,it is given to the many.


My love,once upon a time your poet launched a great epic in his mind.

Alas,I was not careful,and it struck your ringing anklets and came to grief.

It broke up into scraps of songs and lay scattered at your feet.

All my cargo of the stories of old wars was tossed by the laughing waves and soaked in tears and sank.

You must make this loss good to me,my love.

If my claims to immortal fame after death are shattered,make me immortal while I live.

And I will not mourn for my loss nor blame you.


I try to weave a wreath all the morning,but the flowers slip and they drop out.

You sit there watching me in secret through the corner of your prying eyes.

Ask those eyes,darkly planning mischief,whose fault it was.

I try to sing a song,but in vain.

A hidden smile trembles on your lips;ask of it the reason of my failure.

Let your smiling lips say on oath how my voice lost itself in silence like a drunken bee in the lotus.

It is evening,and the time for the flowers to close their petals.

Give me leave to sit by your side,and bid my lips to do the work that can be done in silence and in the dim light of stars.

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