

Eirik's sons plundered much on the Baltic coasts and sometimes, as before related, in Norway; but so long as Hakon ruled over Norway there was in general good peace, and good seasons, and he was the most beloved of kings.When Hakon had reigned about twenty years in Norway (A.D.954), Eirik's sons came from Denmark with a powerful army, of which a great part consisted of the people who had followed them on their expeditions; but a still greater army of Danes had been placed at their disposal by King Harald Gormson.They sailed with a fair wind from Vendil, and came to Agder; and then sailed northwards, night and day, along the coast.But the beacons were not fired, because it had been usual to look for them lighted from the east onwards, and nobody had observed them from the east coast; and besides King Hakon had set heavy penalties for giving false alarm, by lighting the beacons without occasion.The reason of this was, that ships of war and vikings cruised about and plundered among the outlying islands, and the country people took them for Eirik's sons, and lighted the beacons, and set the whole country in trouble and dread of war.Sometimes, no doubt, the sons of Eirik were there;but having only their own troops, and no Danish army with them, they returned to Denmark; and sometimes these were other vikings.

King Hakon was very angry at this, because it cost both trouble and money to no purpose.The bondes also suffered by these false alarms when they were given uselessly; and thus it happened that no news of this expedition of Eirik's sons circulated through the land until they had come as far north as Ulfasund, where they lay for seven days.Then spies set off across Eid and northwards to More.King Hakon was at that time in the island Frede, in North More, at a place called Birkistrand, where he had a dwelling-house, and had no troops with him, only his bodyguard or court, and the neighbouring bondes he had invited to his house.


The spies came to King Hakon, and told him that Eirik's sons, with a great army, lay just to the south of Stad.Then he called together the most understanding of the men about him, and asked their opinion, whether he should fight with Eirik's sons, although they had such a great multitude with them, or should set off northwards to gather together more men.Now there was a bonde there, by name Egil Ulserk, who was a very old man, but in former days had been strong and stout beyond most men, and a hardy man-at-arms withal, having long carried King Harald Harfager's banner.Egil answered thus to the king's speech, --"I was in several battles with thy father Harald the king, and he gave battle sometimes with many, sometimes with few people; but he always came off with victory.Never did I hear him ask counsel of his friends whether he should fly -- and neither shalt thou get any such counsel from us, king; but as we know we have a brave leader, thou shalt get a trusty following from us." Many others agreed with this speech, and the king himself declared he was most inclined to fight with such strength as they could gather.It was so determined.The king split up a war-arrow, which he sent off in all directions, and by that token a number of men was collected in all haste.Then said Egil Ulserk, -- "At one time the peace had lasted so long I was afraid I might come to die the death of old age (1), within doors upon a bed of straw, although I would rather fall in battle following my chief.

And now it may so turn out in the end as I wished it to be."ENDNOTES:

(1) In all the sagas of this pagan time, the dying on a bed of sickness is mentioned as a kind of derogatory end of a man of any celebrity.-- L.


Eirik's sons sailed northwards around Stad; as soon as the wind suited; and when they had passed it, and heard where King Hakon was, they sailed to meet him.King Hakon had nine ships, with which he lay under Fredarberg in Feeysund; and Eirik's sons had twenty ships, with which they brought up on the south side of the same cape, in Feeysund.King Hakon sent them a message, asking them to go upon the land; and telling them that he had hedged in with hazel boughs a place of combat at Rastarkalf, where there is a flat large field, at the foot of a long and rather low ridge.

Then Eirik's sons left their ships, and went northwards over the neck of land within Fredarberg, and onward to Rastarkalf.Then Egil asked King Hakon to give him ten men with ten banners, and the king did so.Then Egil went with his men under the ridge;but King Hakon went out upon the open field with his army, and set up his banner, and drew up his army, saying, "Let us draw up in a long line, that they may not surround us, as they have the most men." And so it was done; and there was a severe battle, and a very sharp attack.Then Egil Ulserk set up the ten banners he had with him, and placed the men who carried them so that they should go as near the summit of the ridge as possible, and leaving a space between each of them.They went so near the summit that the banners could be seen over it, and moved on as if they were coming behind the army of Eirik's sons.Now when the men who stood uppermost in the line of the troops of Eirik's sons saw so many flying banners advancing high over the edge of the ridge, they supposed a great force must be following, who would come behind their army, and between them and their ships.They made each other acquainted with what was going on in a loud shout, and the whole took to flight; and when the king saw it, they fled with the rest.King Hakon now pushes on briskly with his people, pursuing the flying, and killing many.


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