

Ingebjorg was particularly kind to them; and Bjorn often spoke with her about the matter, and was ill at ease that their journey was so long delayed.Hjalte and the others often spoke together also about the matter; and Hjalte said; "I will go to the king if ye like; for I am not a man of Norway, and the Swedes can have nothing to say to me.I have heard that there are Iceland men in the king's house who are my acquaintances, and are well treated;namely, the skalds Gissur Black and Ottar Black.From them Ishall get out what I can about the Swedish king; and if the business will really be so difficult as it now appears, or if there be any other way of promoting it, I can easily devise some errand that may appear suitable for me."This counsel appeared to Bjorn and Ingebjorg to be the wisest, and they resolved upon it among themselves.Ingebjorg put Hjalte in a position to travel; gave him two Gautland men with him, and ordered them to follow him, and assist him with their service, and also to go wherever he might have occasion to send them.

Besides, Ingebjorg gave him twenty marks of weighed silver money for travelling expenses, and sent word and token by him to the Swedish king Olaf's daughter, Ingegerd, that she should give all her assistance to Hjalte's business, whenever he should find himself under the necessity of craving her help.Hjalte set off as soon as he was ready.When he came to King Olaf he soon found the skalds Gissur and Ottar, and they were very glad at his coming.Without delay they went to the king, and told him that a man was come who was their countryman, and one of the most considerable in their native land, and requested the king to receive him well.The king told them to take Hjalte and his fellow-travellers into their company and quarters.Now when Hjalte had resided there a short time, and got acquainted with people, he was much respected by everybody.The skalds were often in the king's house, for they were well-spoken men; and often in the daytime they sat in front of the king's high-seat, and Hjalte, to whom they paid the highest respect in all things, by their side.He became thus known to the king, who willingly entered into conversation with him, and heard from him news about Iceland.


It happened that before Bjorn set out from home he asked Sigvat the skald, who at that time was with King Olaf, to accompany him on his journey.It was a journey for which people had no great inclination.There was, however, great friendship between Bjorn and Sigvat.Then Sigvat sang: --"With the king's marshals all have I, In days gone by, Lived joyously, --With all who on the king attend, And knee before him humbly bend, Bjorn, thou oft hast ta'en my part --Pleaded with art, And touched the heart.

Bjorn! brave stainer of the sword, Thou art my friend -- I trust thy word."While they were riding up to Gautland, Sigvat made these verses:


"Down the Fjord sweep wind and rain, Our stout ship's sails and tackle strain;Wet to the skin.

We're sound within, And gaily o'er the waves are dancing, Our sea-steed o'er the waves high prancing!

Through Lister sea Flying all free;

Off from the wind with swelling sail, We merrily scud before the gale, And reach the sound Where we were bound.

And now our ship, so gay and grand, Glides past the green and lovely land, And at the isle Moors for a while.

Our horse-hoofs now leave hasty print;

We ride -- of ease there's scanty stint --In heat and haste O'er Gautland's waste:

Though in a hurry to be married, The king can't say that we have tarried."One evening late they were riding through Gautland, and Sigvat made these verses: --"The weary horse will at nightfall Gallop right well to reach his stall;When night meets day, with hasty hoof He plies the road to reach a roof.

Far from the Danes, we now may ride Safely by stream or mountain-side;But, in this twilight, in some ditch The horse and rider both may pitch."They rode through the merchant town of Skara, and down the street to the earl's house.He sang: --"The shy sweet girls, from window high In wonder peep at the sparks that fly From our horses heels, as down the street Of the earl's town we ride so fleet.

Spur on! -- that every pretty lass May hear our horse-hoofs as we pass Clatter upon the stones so hard, And echo round the paved court-yard."71.HJALTE SKEGGJASON WHILE HE WAS IN SVITHIOD.

One day Hjalte, and the skalds with him, went before the king, and he began thus: -- "It has so happened, king, as is known to you, that I have come here after a long and difficult journey;but when I had once crossed the ocean and heard of your greatness, it appeared to me unwise to go back without having seen you in your splendour and glory.Now it is a law between Iceland and Norway, that Iceland men pay landing due when they come into Norway, but while I was coming across the sea I took myself all the landing dues from my ship's people; but knowing that thou have the greatest right to all the power in Norway, Ihastened hither to deliver to you the landing dues." With this he showed the silver to the king, and laid ten marks of silver in Gissur Black's lap.

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