

"Will you surrender nothing to me on this point?""Oh! do you call a woman's right to dispose of herself a `point?' A capital point indeed; you will permit me to be entirely my own mistress on that `point.' ""And how if, believing in your promises to me, I should absolutely require it?""Oh! then you would prove that I made the greatest possible mistake when I made you a promise of any kind; and I should beg you to leave me in peace."The General's face grew white; he was about to spring to her side, when Mme de Langeais rang the bell, the maid appeared, and, smiling with a mocking grace, the Duchess added, "Be so good as to return when I am visible."Then Montriveau felt the hardness of a woman as cold and keen as a steel blade; she was crushing in her scorn.In one moment she had snapped the bonds which held firm only for her lover.She had read Armand's intention in his face, and held that the moment had come for teaching the Imperial soldier his lesson.He was to be made to feel that though duchesses may lend themselves to love, they do not give themselves, and that the conquest of one of them would prove a harder matter than the conquest of Europe.

"Madame," returned Armand, "I have not time to wait.I am a spoilt child, as you told me yourself.When I seriously resolve to have that of which we have been speaking, I shall have it.""You will have it?" queried she, and there was a trace of surprise in her loftiness.

"I shall have it."

"Oh! you would do me a great pleasure by `resolving' to have it.

For curiosity's sake, I should be delighted to know how you would set about it----""I am delighted to put a new interest into your life,"interrupted Montriveau, breaking into a laugh which dismayed the Duchess."Will you permit me to take you to the ball tonight?""A thousand thanks.M.de Marsay has been beforehand with you.

I gave him my promise."

Montriveau bowed gravely and went.

"So Ronquerolles was right," thought he, "and now for a game of chess."Thenceforward he hid his agitation by complete composure.No man is strong enough to bear such sudden alternations from the height of happiness to the depths of wretchedness.So he had caught a glimpse of happy life the better to feel the emptiness of his previous existence? There was a terrible storm within him; but he had learned to endure, and bore the shock of tumultuous thoughts as a granite cliff stands out against the surge of an angry sea.

"I could say nothing.When I am with her my wits desert me.

She does not know how vile and contemptible she is.Nobody has ventured to bring her face to face with herself.She has played with many a man, no doubt; I will avenge them all."For the first time, it may be, in a man's heart, revenge and love were blended so equally that Montriveau himself could not know whether love or revenge would carry all before it.That very evening he went to the ball at which he was sure of seeing the Duchesse de Langeais, and almost despaired of reaching her heart.

He inclined to think that there was something diabolical about this woman, who was gracious to him and radiant with charming smiles; probably because she had no wish to allow the world to think that she had compromised herself with M.de Montriveau.

Coolness on both sides is a sign of love; but so long as the Duchess was the same as ever, while the Marquis looked sullen and morose, was it not plain that she had conceded nothing?

Onlookers know the rejected lover by various signs and tokens;they never mistake the genuine symptoms for a coolness such as some women command their adorers to feign, in the hope of concealing their love.Everyone laughed at Montriveau; and he, having omitted to consult his cornac, was abstracted and ill at ease.M.de Ronquerolles would very likely have bidden him compromise the Duchess by responding to her show of friendliness by passionate demonstrations; but as it was, Armand de Montriveau came away from the ball, loathing human nature, and even then scarcely ready to believe in such complete depravity.

"If there is no executioner for such crimes," he said, as he looked up at the lighted windows of the ballroom where the most enchanting women in Paris were dancing, laughing, and chatting, "I will take you by the nape of the neck, Mme la Duchesse, and make you feel something that bites more deeply than the knife in the Place de la Greve.Steel against steel; we shall see which heart will leave the deeper mark."For a week or so Mme de Langeais hoped to see the Marquis de Montriveau again; but he contented himself with sending his card every morning to the Hotel de Langeais.The Duchess could not help shuddering each time that the card was brought in, and a dim foreboding crossed her mind, but the thought was vague as a presentiment of disaster.When her eyes fell on the name, it seemed to her that she felt the touch of the implacable man's strong hand in her hair; sometimes the words seemed like a prognostication of a vengeance which her lively intellect invented in the most shocking forms.She had studied him too well not to dread him.Would he murder her, she wondered? Would that bull-necked man dash out her vitals by flinging her over his head? Would he trample her body under his feet? When, where, and how would he get her into his power? Would he make her suffer very much, and what kind of pain would he inflict? She repented of her conduct.There were hours when, if he had come, she would have gone to his arms in complete self-surrender.

  • 大乘起信论义记别记


  • 六十种曲四喜记


  • 谤佛经


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  • 舞动青春:邪魅叛逆少女


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  • 明月万里照汉关


  • 周礼


  • 腹黑总裁的诱惑


  • 柠檬加点糖


  • 阳光之下阴影之外


  • 不夜传奇


  • 杜甫和草堂


  • 我是一个原始人

