

But how was she to tell Susan? She ran up stairs almost breathless with haste, to the bedroom door; but then she stopped; too much joy she had heard was as dangerous as too much sorrow; she must think it over for a while, and so she crept back again.

But after breakfast--that is, when she had sat for a while over her teacup--she returned to the room, and this time she entered it.The letter was in her hand, but held so as to be hidden;--in her left hand as she sat down with her right arm towards the invalid.

"Susan dear," she said, and smiled at her child, "you'll be able to get up this morning? eh, dear?""Yes, mother," said Susan, thinking that her mother objected to this idleness of her lying in bed.And so she began to bestir herself.

"I don't mean this very moment, love.Indeed, I want to sit with you for a little while," and she put her right arm affectionately round her daughter's waist.

"Dearest mother," said Susan.

"Ah! there's one dearer than me, I guess," and Mrs.Bell smiled sweetly, as she made the maternal charge against her daughter.

Susan raised herself quickly in the bed, and looked straight into her mother's face."Mother, mother," she said, "what is it? You've something to tell.Oh, mother!" And stretching herself over, she struck her hand against the corner of Aaron's letter."Mother, you've a letter.Is he coming, mother?" and with eager eyes and open lips, she sat up, holding tight to her mother's arm.

"Yes, love.I have got a letter."

"Is he--is he coming?"

How the mother answered, I can hardly tell; but she did answer, and they were soon lying in each other's arms, warm with each other's tears.It was almost hard to say which was the happier.

Aaron was to be there that evening--that very evening."Oh, mother, let me get up," said Susan.

But Mrs.Bell said no, not yet; her darling was pale and thin, and she almost wished that Aaron was not coming for another week.What if he should come and look at her, and finding her beauty gone, vanish again and seek a wife elsewhere!

So Susan lay in bed, thinking of her happiness, dozing now and again, and fearing as she waked that it was a dream, looking constantly at that drawing of his, which she kept outside upon the bed, nursing her love and thinking of it, and endeavouring, vainly endeavouring, to arrange what she would say to him.

"Mother," she said, when Mrs.Bell once went up to her, "you won't tell Hetta and Phineas, will you? Not to-day, I mean?" Mrs.Bell agreed that it would be better not to tell them.Perhaps she thought that she had already depended too much on Hetta and Phineas in the matter.

Susan's finery in the way of dress had never been extensive, and now lately, in these last sad winter days, she had thought but little of the fashion of her clothes.But when she began to dress herself for the evening, she did ask her mother with some anxiety what she had better wear."If he loves you he will hardly see what you have on,"said the mother.But not the less was she careful to smooth her daughter's hair, and make the most that might be made of those faded roses.

How Susan's heart beat,--how both their hearts beat as the hands of the clock came round to seven! And then, sharp at seven, came the knock; that same short bold ringing knock which Susan had so soon learned to know as belonging to Aaron Dunn."Oh mother, I had better go up stairs," she cried, starting from her chair.

"No dear; you would only be more nervous.""I will, mother."

"No, no, dear; you have not time;" and then Aaron Dunn was in the room.

She had thought much what she would say to him, but had not yet quite made up her mind.It mattered however but very little.On whatever she might have resolved, her resolution would have vanished to the wind.Aaron Dunn came into the room, and in one second she found herself in the centre of a whirlwind, and his arms were the storms that enveloped her on every side.

"My own, own darling girl," he said over and over again, as he pressed her to his heart, quite regardless of Mrs.Bell, who stood by, sobbing with joy."My own Susan.""Aaron, dear Aaron," she whispered.But she had already recognised the fact that for the present meeting a passive part would become her well, and save her a deal of trouble.She had her lover there quite safe, safe beyond anything that Mr.or Mrs.Beckard might have to say to the contrary.She was quite happy; only that there were symptoms now and again that the whirlwind was about to engulf her yet once more.

"Dear Aaron, I am so glad you are come," said the innocent-minded widow, as she went up stairs with him, to show him his room; and then he embraced her also."Dear, dear mother," he said.

On the next day there was, as a matter of course, a family conclave.

Hetta and Phineas came down, and discussed the whole subject of the coming marriage with Mrs.Bell.Hetta at first was not quite certain;--ought they not to inquire whether the situation was permanent?

"I won't inquire at all," said Mrs.Bell, with an energy that startled both the daughter and son-in-law."I would not part them now; no, not if--" and the widow shuddered as she thought of her daughter's sunken eyes, and pale cheeks.

"He is a good lad," said Phineas, "and I trust she will make him a sober steady wife;" and so the matter was settled.

During this time, Susan and Aaron were walking along the Balston road; and they also had settled the matter--quite as satisfactorily.

Such was the courtship of Susan Dunn.


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  • 爱妃不要跑

