
第67章 The Embassy(3)

Why did you not kill him? Is he the better man?""It seems not, as once before I worsted him and I sit here unhurt, lord," answered Godwin."Your servants thrust between and separated us.""Ay," replied Sinan, "I remember; they had orders.Still, I would that you had killed him, the unbelieving dog, who has dared to lift his eyes to this Rose of Roses, your sister.Fear not," he went on, addressing Rosamund, "he shall offer you no more insult, who are henceforth under the protection of the Signet," and stretching out his thin, cruel-looking hand, on which gleamed the ring of power, he patted her on the arm.

All of these things Masouda translated, while Rosamund dropped her head to hide her face, though on it were not the blushes that he thought, but loathing and alarm.

Wulf glared at the Al-je-bal, whose head by good fortune was turned away, and so fierce was the rage swelling in his heart that a mist seemed to gather before his eyes, and through it this devilish chief of a people of murderers, clothed in his robe of flaming red, looked like a man steeped in blood.The thought came to him suddenly that he would make him what he looked, and his hand passed to his sword-hilt.But Godwin saw the terror in Masouda's eyes, saw Wulf's hand also, and guessed what was about to chance.With a swift movement of his arm he struck a golden dish from the table to the marble floor, then said, in a clear voice in French:

"Brother, be not so awkward; pick up that dish and answer the lord Sinan as is your right--I mean, touching the matter of Lozelle."Wulf stooped to obey, and his mind cleared which had been so near to madness.

"I wish it not, lord," he said, "who, if I can, have your good leave to slay this fellow on the third night from now.If I fail, then let my brother take my place, but not before.""Yes, I forgot," said Sinan."So I decreed, and that will be a fight I wish to see.If he kills you then your brother shall meet him.And if he kills you both, then perhaps I, Sinan, will meet him--in my own fashion.Sweet lady, knowing where the course is laid, say, do you fear to see this fray?"Rosamund's face paled, but she answered proudly:

"Why should I fear what my brethren do not fear? They are brave knights, bred to arms, and God, in Whose hand are all our destinies-- even yours, O Lord of Death --He will guard the right."When this speech was translated to him Sinan quailed a little.

Then he answered:

"Lady, know that I am the Voice and Prophet of Allah--ay, and his sword to punish evil-doers and those who do not believe.Well, if what I hear is true, your brethren are skilled horsemen who even dared to pass my servant on the narrow bridge, so victory may rest with them.Tell me which of them do you love the least, for he shall first face the sword of Lozelle."Now as Rosamund prepared herself to answer Masouda scanned her face through her half-closed eyes.But whatever she may have felt within, it remained calm and cold as though it were cut in stone.

"To me they are as one man," she said."When one speaks, both speak.I love them equally.""Then, Guest of my heart, it shall go as I have said Brother Blue-eyes shall fight first, and if he falls then Brother Grey-eyes.The feast is ended, and it is my hour for prayer.

Slaves, bid the people fill their cups.Lady, I pray of you, stand forward on the dais."She obeyed, and at a sign the black slave-women gathered behind her with their flaming torches.Then Sinan rose also, and cried with a loud voice:

"Servants of Al-je-bal, pledge, I command you, this Flower of flowers, the high-born Princess of Baalbec, the niece of the Sultan, Salah-ed-din, whom men call the Great," and he sneered, "though he be not so great as I, this Queen of maids who soon--"Then, checking himself, he drank off his wine, and with a low bow presented the empty, jewelled cup to Rosamund.All the company drank also, and shouted till the hall rang, for her loveliness as she stood thus in the fierce light of the torches, aflame as these men were with the vision-breeding wine of Al-je-bal, moved them to madness.

"Queen! Queen!" they shouted."Queen of our Master and of us all!"Sinan heard and smiled.Then, motioning for silence, he took the hand of Rosamund, kissed it, and turning, passed from the hall preceded by his singing women and surrounded by the dais and guards.

Godwin and Wulf stepped forward to speak with Rosamund, but Masouda interposed herself between them, saying in a cold, clear voice:

"It is not permitted.Go, knights, and cool your brows in yonder garden, where sweet water runs.Your sister is my charge.Fear not, for she is guarded.""Come," said Godwin to Wulf; "we had best obey."So together they walked through the crowd of those feasters that remained, for most of them had already left the hall, who made way, not without reverence, for the brethren of this new star of beauty, on to the terrace, and from the terrace into the gardens.

Here they stood awhile in the sweet freshness of the night, which was very grateful after the heated, perfume-laden air of the banquet; then began to wander up and down among the scented trees and flowers.The moon, floating in a cloudless sky, was almost at its full, and by her light they saw a wondrous scene.Under many of the trees and in tents set about here and there, rugs were spread, and to them came men who had drunk of the wine of the feast, and cast themselves down to sleep.

"Are they drunk?" asked Wulf.

"It would seem so," answered Godwin.

Yet these men appeared to be mad rather than drunk, for they walked steadily enough, but with wide-set, dreamy eyes; nor did they seem to sleep upon the rugs, but lay there staring at the sky and muttering with their lips, their faces steeped in a strange, unholy rapture.Sometimes they would rise and walk a few paces with outstretched arms, till the arms closed as though they clasped something invisible, to which they bent their heads to babble awhile.Then they walked back to their rugs again, where they remained silent.

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  • Alcibiades II

    Alcibiades II

    The two dialogues which are translated in the second appendix are not mentioned by Aristotle, or by any early authority, and have no claim to be ascribed to Plato. They are examples of Platonic dialogues to be assigned probably to the second or third generation after Plato.汇聚授权电子版权。
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