

"Sir!" said the baronet, again giving me the lie. "And now," he continued, addressing his niece, "you tell me that he is nothing to you. He shall give me his promise that he will make you his wife at the consulate at Alexandria, or I will destroy him. I know who he is.""If you know who I am," said I, "you must know--"But he would not listen to me. "And as for you, madam, unless he makes me that promise--" And then he paused in his threat, and, turning round, looked me in the face. I saw that she also was looking at me, though not openly as he did; and some flattering devil that was at work round my heart, would have persuaded that she also would have heard a certain answer given without dismay,--would even have received comfort in her agony from such an answer. But the reader knows how completely that answer was out of my power.

"I have not the slightest ground for supposing," said I, "that the lady would accede to such an arrangement,--if it were possible. My acquaintance with her has been altogether confined to--. To tell the truth, I have not been in Miss Weston's confidence, and have only taken her for that which she has seemed to be.""Sir!" said the baronet, again looking at me as though he would wither me on the spot for my falsehood.

"It is true!" said Julia, getting up from her seat, and appealing with clasped hands to her uncle--"as true as Heaven.""Madam!" said he, "do you both take me for a fool?""That you should take me for one," said I, "would be very natural.

The facts are as we state to you. Miss Weston,--as I now learn that she is,--did me the honour of calling at my hotel, having heard--"And then it seemed to me as though I were attempting to screen myself by telling the story against her, so I was again silent.

Never in my life had I been in a position of such extraordinary difficulty. The duty which I owed to Julia as a woman, and to Sir William as a guardian, and to myself as the father of a family, all clashed with each other. I was anxious to be generous, honest, and prudent, but it was impossible; so I made up my mind to say nothing further.

"Mr. Jones," said the baronet, "I have explained to you the only arrangement which under the present circumstances I can permit to pass without open exposure and condign punishment. That you are a gentleman by birth, education, and position I am aware,"--whereupon I raised my hat, and then he continued: "That lady has three hundred a year of her own--""And attractions, personal and mental, which are worth ten times the money," said I, and I bowed to my fair friend, who looked at me the while with sad beseeching eyes. I confess that the mistress of my bosom, had she known my thoughts at that one moment, might have had cause for anger.

"Very well," continued he. "Then the proposal which I name, cannot, I imagine, but be satisfactory. If you will make to her and to me the only amends which it is in your power as a gentleman to afford, I will forgive all. Tell me that you will make her your wife on your arrival in Egypt."I would have given anything not to have looked at Miss Weston at this moment, but I could not help it. I did turn my face half round to her before I answered, and then felt that I had been cruel in doing so. "Sir William," said I, "I have at home already a wife and family of my own.""It is not true!" said he, retreating a step, and staring at me with amazement.

"There is something, sir," I replied, "in the unprecedented circumstances of this meeting, and in your position with regard to that lady, which, joined to your advanced age, will enable me to regard that useless insult as unspoken. I am a married man. There is the signature of my wife's last letter," and I handed him one which I had received as I was leaving Jerusalem.

  • 議處安南事宜


  • 清净观世音普贤陀罗尼经


  • 笑隐大欣禅师语录


  • 逸老堂诗话


  • Samuel Butler-A Sketch

    Samuel Butler-A Sketch

  • 星际机甲师


  • 快穿之大佬上线中


  • 世界最具推理性的侦破故事(5)


  • 樱花之国上的世界末日


  • 刘兴涛与高志娇的幸福生活


  • 痴傻夫君刁蛮妻


  • 脱胎换骨:辣妹夺人心扉


  • 写作与语言教程


  • 陈氏家族全传


    讲陈氏家族不能不提陈其美。陈其美是当年上海市革命军服加身的“大督军”,是孙中山的同盟会骨干成员,是蒋介石参加革命的引路人,又是他将陈果夫、陈立夫托付给了蒋介石。 陈果夫、陈立夫是蒋家王朝的组织部长。他的用人计谋,加剧了四大家族间的豪门恩怨和尔虞我诈的争斗。陈氏家族靠其结党营私,政治势力远大于“宋、孔”两家。 本书描述了陈氏家族与蒋家王朝的关系,以及蒋家王朝败落后陈氏家族成员的悲喜人生。
  • 绝地传输

