美国的政治经济政策、美国政治体系的健康发展对世界尤其是对西方民主国家来说影响深远。然而,近年来,美国在政治舞台上变得越来越激进、愤怒和极端化——导致其经济政策几乎偏激孤立,在与世界其他国家的关系也很微妙。本书分析了美国民族主义的特征与背后根本原因,尤其是2008年金融危机后代表美国中下层民众利益的美国茶党的发展与壮大,不仅对奥巴马任内的美国政治生态产生了重大影响,甚至对2016年的美国大选以及未来美国保守主义思潮的走向都在发挥举足轻重的作用,从而深入分析美国经济外交政策的正确与谬误。Arcanum 101
Fifteen-year-old Tomas Torres, the son of an immigrant family who are just barely making it, gets picked up by the police for doing some work for the local padrone (collector). For this work, Tomas has made $1000 a week, a lot of money by anyone's count. But what is the work? What is Tomas arrested for? Arson, but arson that cannot be explained. Tomas has a most unusual gift: he is a fire-starter--he can start fires with sheer force of will that flame from the tips of his fingers. More, he can will fireballs to hurl at his enemies or opponents, and he can incinerate any evidence. But the courts decide they have enough to convict young Tomas and send him off to a school (which Tomas believes to be a kind of jail): St. Rhiannon's School for the Gifted and Exceptional Student.