他被万魔所膜拜,被世人所憎恶。传说中他是太古第一魔<br/>她被世人所赞美,被万神所供奉。传说中她足可睥睨天<br/>他是恶魔,弑血成性。然而寄生在体内的天之欲却让他颠倒众生<br/>她是天使,天真烂漫。然而超越神的存在后早已超脱虚无,看破红尘,一切皆为泡影<br/>两颗本不可能在起一的心因为一次懈垢而变的难分难舍—但世事皆难料,万物俱贪婪<br/>魔劫始降临,神罚将重现—天长地久终到头,此情绵绵无绝期。<br/>曾经以为世界很美,曾经以为我们近在彼此,可是当我们真的去面对时,才发现,这爱终究不属于你我<br/>海之涯,冷雪在融化,生命在重生,一曲无尽的绝世恋歌在呤唱 九尾灵狐之---赶尸集
《卡耐基:怎样才能打动人》内容简介:如果希望自己成为一个善于谈话的人,那就先做一个愿意倾听的人,有一种简单、明显、最重要的获得好感的方法,那就是记住他人的姓名,行为胜于言论,对人微笑就是向人表明:“我喜欢你,你使我快乐,我喜欢见到你。”The Penelopiad
Margaret Atwood returns with a shrewd, funny, and insightful retelling of the myth of Odysseus from the point of view of Penelope. Describing her own remarkable vision, the author writes in the foreword, I've chosen to give the telling of the story to Penelope and to the twelve hanged maids. The maids form a chanting and singing Chorus, which focuses on two questions that must pose themselves after any close reading of the Odyssey: What led to the hanging of the maids, and what was Penelope really up to? The story as told in the Odyssey doesn't hold water: there are too many inconsistencies. I've always been haunted by the hanged maids and, in The Penelopiad, so is Penelope herself." One of the high points of literary fiction in 2005, this critically acclaimed story found a vast audience and is finally available in paperback.