

"Yours faithfully,J.JASMIN."

In due time Jasmin fulfilled his promise,and a considerable sum was collected in aid of the agricultural colony,which,to his great joy,was eventually established and prospered.On another and a very different occasion the Society of Arts and Literature appealed to him.Their object was to establish a fund for the assistance of the poorer members of their craft--something like the Royal Literary Fund of London.The letter addressed to him was signed by Baron Taylor,Ingres,Ambroise Thomas,Auber,Meyerbeer,Adolphe Adam,Jules Simon,Zimmermann,Halevy,and others.It seemed extraordinary that men of such distinction in art and literature should appeal to a man of such humble condition,living at so remote a place as Agen.

"We ask your help,"they said,"for our work,which has only been begun,and is waiting for assistance.We desire to have the encouragement and powerful support of men of heart and intelligence.Do not be surprised,sir,that we address this demand to you.We have not yet appealed to the part of France in which you live;but we repose our hopes in your admirable talent,inspired as it is with Christian charity,which has already given birth to many benefactions,for the help of churches,schools,and charitable institutions,and has spread amongst your compatriots the idea of relieving the poor and necessitous."Incited by these illustrious men,Jasmin at once took the field,and by his exertions did much towards the foundation of the proposed institution.

The strength of his constitution seemed to be inexhaustible.

On one occasion he went as far as Marseilles.He worked,he walked,he travelled,he recited almost without end.Though he sometimes complained of being over-tired,he rallied,and went on as before.At Marseilles,for instance,he got up early in the morning,and at 8A.M.he was present at a private council in a school.At 11he presided at a meeting of the Society of Saint Francis Xavier,where he recited several of his poems before two thousand persons.At 2o'clock he was present at a banquet given in his honour.In the evening he had another triumphant reception.In the morning he spoke of country,religion,and work to the humbler classes,and in the evening he spoke of love and charity to a crowded audience of distinguished ladies.He was entertained at Marseilles like a prince,rather than like a poet.

He sometimes gave as many as three hundred recitations of this sort in a year;visiting nearly every town from Bordeaux to Marseilles for all kinds of charitable institutions.Of course his travels were enlivened by many adventures,and some people were unwilling to allow him to forget that he was a barber.

When at Auch,a town several miles to the south of Agen,he resided with the mayor.The time for the meeting had nearly arrived;but the mayor was still busy with his toilet.The prefect of Gers was also waiting.Fearing the impatience of his guests,the mayor opened the door of his chamber to apologise,showing his face covered with lather.

"Just a moment,"he said;"I am just finishing my shaving.""Oh,"said Jasmin,"why did you not perform your toilet sooner?

But now let me help you."Jasmin at once doffed his coat,gave the finishing touch to his razor,and shaved the mayor in a twinkling,with what he called his "hand of velvet."In a few minutes after,Jasmin was receiving tumultuous applause for his splendid recitations.

Thus,as time was pressing,it was a pleasure to Jasmin to make himself useful to his friend the mayor.But on another occasion he treated a rich snob in the way he deserved.Jasmin had been reciting for the benefit of the poor.At the conclusion of the meeting,the young people of the town improvised a procession of flambeaux and triumphantly escorted him to his hotel.

Early next morning,while Jasmin was still asleep,he was awakened by some one knocking at his chamber door.He rose,opened it,and found himself in presence of one of the most opulent persons of the town.There are vulgar people everywhere,and this person had more wealth than courtesy.Like Jasmin,he was a man of the people;but he had neither the grace nor the politeness of the Gascon barber.He was but a parvenu,and his riches had only produced an accumulation of snobbishness.

He pushed into the room,installed himself without invitation in a chair,and,without further ceremony,proceeded:--"My dear Jasmin,"he said,"I am a banker--a millionaire,as you know;I wish you to shave me with your own hand.

Please set to work at once,for I am pressed for time.

You can ask what you like for your trouble."

"Pardon me,sir,"said Jasmin,with some pride,"I only shave for pay at home.""What do you say?"

"It is true,sir;I only shave for pay at home.""Come,come--you are jesting!I cannot be put off.Make your charge as much as you like--but shave me.""Again I say,sir,it is impossible."

"How impossible?It seems to me that it is your trade!""It is so;but at this moment I am not disposed to exercise it."The banker again pleaded;Jasmin was firm;and the millionaire went away unshaved!

During one of his recitations at Toulouse,he was introduced to Mdlle.Roaldes,a young and beautiful lady,with whose father,a thriving stockbroker,he stayed while in that city.His house was magnificent and splendidly furnished.Many persons of influence were invited to meet Jasmin,and,while there,he was entertained with much hospitality.But,as often happens with stockbrokers,M.Roaldes star fell;he suffered many losses,and at length became poor and almost destitute.

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    八月的天气极热。10号清晨,海潮渐渐退去,海风裹着成腥的气味。沙滩前方一百米的高地上,有一面孤立的水泥墙,墙面上的涂鸦五彩缤纷,乍一看像极了先锋演唱会的风格。七八个工人打着哈欠搬运着堆积如小山的铁桶。这些桶堆起了七八层,足有五十多个。两名工人把铁桶按顺序放入集装箱内,抹了把脸上的汗准备继续干活。这时,正在墙边继续搬运铁桶的一个工人大喊着:“来帮帮忙,这个桶里有东西。” “有东西?不是说这里面都是空的吗?”一个工人搭话,“该不是什么器材没拿走吧?”“打开看看不就知道了。”他们打开了桶盖上的四个抓扣,但盖子却纹丝不动。
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