
第20章 Jill's Mission(1)

The good times began immediately,and very little studying was done that week in spite of the virtuous resolutions made by certain young persons on Christmas Day.But,dear me,how was it possible to settle down to lessons in the delightful Bird Room,with not only its own charms to distract one,but all the new gifts to enjoy,and a dozen calls a day to occupy one's time?

"I guess we'd better wait till the others are at school,and just go in for fun this week,"said Jack,who was in great spirits at the prospect of getting up,for the splints were off,and he hoped to be promoted to crutches very soon.

"I shall keep my Speller by me and take a look at it every day,for that is what I'm most backward in.But I intend to devote myself to you,Jack,and be real kind and useful.I've made a plan to do it,and I mean to carry it out,anyway,"answered Jill,who had begun to be a missionary,and felt that this was a field of labor where she could distinguish herself.

"Here's a home mission all ready for you,and you can be paying your debts beside doing yourself good,"Mrs.Pecq said to her in private,having found plenty to do herself.

Now Jill made one great mistake at the outset--she forgot that she was the one to be converted to good manners and gentleness,and devoted her efforts to looking after Jack,finding it much easier to cure other people's faults than her own.Jack was a most engaging heathen,and needed very little instruction;therefore Jill thought her task would be an easy one.But three or four weeks of petting and play had rather demoralized both children,so Jill's Speller,though tucked under the sofa pillow every day,was seldom looked at,and Jack shirked his Latin shamefully.Both read all the story-books they could get,held daily levees in the Bird Room,and all their spare minutes were spent in teaching Snowdrop,the great Angora cat,to bring the ball when they dropped it in their game.

So Saturday came,and both were rather the worse for so much idleness,since daily duties and studies are the wholesome bread which feeds the mind better than the dyspeptic plum-cake of sensational reading,or the unsubstantial bon-bons of frivolous amusement.

It was a stormy day,so they had few callers,and devoted themselves to arranging the album;for these books were all the rage just then,and boys met to compare,discuss,buy,sell,and "swap"stamps with as much interest as men on 'Change gamble in stocks.Jack had a nice little collection,and had been saving up pocket-money to buy a book in which to preserve his treasures.

Now,thanks to Jill's timely suggestion,Frank had given him a fine one,and several friends had contributed a number of rare stamps to grace the large,inviting pages.Jill wielded the gum-brush and fitted on the little flaps,as her fingers were skilful at this nice work,and Jack put each stamp in its proper place with great rustling of leaves and comparing of marks.Returning,after a brief absence,Mrs.Minot beheld the countenances of the workers adorned with gay stamps,giving them a very curious appearance.

"My dears!what new play have you got now?Are you wild Indians?or letters that have gone round the world before finding the right address?"she asked,laughing at the ridiculous sight,for both were as sober as judges and deeply absorbed in some doubtful specimen.

"Oh,we just stuck them there to keep them safe;they get lost if we leave them lying round.It's very handy,for I can see in a minute what I want on Jill's face and she on mine,and put our fingers on the right chap at once,"answered Jack,adding,with an anxious gaze at his friend's variegated countenance,"Where the dickens is my New Granada?It's rare,and I wouldn't lose it for a dollar."'Why,there it is on your own nose.Don't you remember you put it there because you said mine was not big enough to hold it?"laughed Jill,tweaking a large orange square off the round nose of her neighbor,causing it to wrinkle up in a droll way,as the gum made the operation slightly painful.

"So I'd id,and gave you Little Bolivar on yours.Now I'll have Alsace and Lorraine,1870.There are seven of them,so hold still and see how you like it,"returned Jack,picking the large,pale stamps one by one from Jill's forehead,which they crossed like a band.

She bore it without flinching,saying to herself with a secret smile,as she glanced at the hot fire,which scorched her if she kept near enough to Jack to help him,"This really is being like a missionary,with a tattooed savage to look after.I have to suffer a little,as the good folks did who got speared and roasted sometimes;but I won't complain a bit,though my forehead smarts,my arms are tired,and one cheek is as red as fire.""The Roman States make a handsome page,don't they?"asked Jack,little dreaming of the part he was playing in Jill's mind."Oh,I say,isn't Corea a beauty?I'm ever so proud of that";and he gazed fondly on a big blue stamp,the sole ornament of one page.

"I don't see why the Cape of Good Hope has pyramids.They ought to go in Egypt.The Sandwich Islands are all right,with heads of the black kings and queens on them,"said Jill,feeling that they were very appropriate to her private play.

"Turkey has crescents,Australia swans,and Spain women's heads,with black bars across them.Frank says it is because they keep women shut up so;but that was only his fun.I'd rather have a good,honest green United States,with Washington on it,or a blue one-center with old Franklin,than all their eagles and lions and kings and queens put together,"added the democratic boy,with a disrespectful slap on a crowned head as he settled Heligoland in its place.

"Why does Austria have Mercury on the stamp,I wonder?Do they wear helmets like that?"asked Jill,with the brush-handle in her mouth as she cut a fresh batch of flaps.

"Maybe he was postman to the gods,so he is put on stamps now.

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