In 1931, Britain's Conservative Party proposed the India Bill--a piece of proposed legislation that made significant changes to the way India governed itself under British rule. Winston Churchill, with a distinguished history of military service and war correspondence in India behind him, took a position on this bill independent of the party line--and fought for it with characteristic conviction and oratory brilliance.This book contains seven speeches and three important addresses on the subject, printed originally to generate popular support for Churchill's opinion. It should be noted that Churchill's opposition to Indian home rule is one of his more controversial political positions. Despite the strength of his oration, his attempt failed--and the India Bill was approved by Parliament in 1935. Documenting a rare loss for Churchill, these speeches provide an important insight into his mind and strategy as a political leader.从长城开始的次元远征
郁达夫的散文具有独到的个性特征,他在作品中无所顾忌地对个人的思想、生活,甚至琐碎私密的细节进行详细地描写,恣肆坦诚、热情呼号的自剖式文字,将自己透明坦荡地展示给读者,自叙传色彩浓郁而强烈。他的散文还具有浓浓的忧郁感伤的情调,增加了作品的艺术感染力。郁达夫是一个诗人,他的散文也有着回肠荡气的诗的格调,那种不拘形式纵情宣泄的抒情方式,回肠荡气的诗的节奏和情调,毫无遮掩地表现了一个富有才情的知识分子在动乱社会里的苦闷、感伤、忧郁、脆弱,这些与作品中秀丽、隽永的山水景物交融在一起,以情遣笔,寓情于景,形成了略带病态的忧郁之美,也显示了作者深厚的学养和艺术功力。可以说郁达夫的创作是感应着时代的神经,代表了当时一些知识分子的思想情绪和内心感受。THE LAST BATTLE (英文朗读版)