
第8章 ACT II(2)

BURLACOMBE.Ah!We'll 'ave fine weather now,with the full o'the mune.

FREMAN.Dust o'wind an'a drop or tu,virst,I reckon.'Earl t'nuse about curate an''is wife?

GODLEIGH.No,indeed;an'don't yu tell us.We'm Christians 'ere in this village.

FREMAN.'Tain't no very Christian nuse,neither.He's sent 'er off to th'doctor."Go an'live with un,"'e says;"my blessin'on ye."

If 'er'd abeen mine,I'd 'a tuk the whip to 'er.Tam Jarland's maid,she yeard it all.Christian,indeed!That's brave Christianity!"Goo an'live with un!"'e told 'er.

BURLACOMBE.No,no;that's,not sensea man to say that.I'll not 'ear that against a man that bides in my 'ouse.

FREMAN.'Tes sure,I tell 'ee.The maid was hidup,scaredlike,behind the curtain.At it they went,and parson 'e says:"Go,"'e says,"I won't kape 'ee from 'im,"'e says,"an'I won't divorce 'ee,as yu don't wish it!"They was 'is words,same as Jarland's maid told my maid,an'my maid told my missis.If that's parson's talk,'tes funny work goin'to church.

TRUSTAFORD.[Brooding]'Tes wonderful quare,zurely.

FREMAN.Tam Jarland's fair mad wi'curate for makin'free wi'his maid's skylark.Parson or no parson,'e've no call to meddle wi'other people's praperty.He cam'pokin''is nose into my affairs.I

told un I knew a sight more 'bout 'orses than 'e ever would!

TRUSTAFORD.He'm a bit crazy 'bout bastes an'birds.

[They have been so absorbed that they bane not noticed the entrance of CLYST,a youth with tousled hair,and a bright,quick,Celtic eye,who stands listening,with a bit of paper in his hand.]

CLYST.Ah!he'm that zurely,Mr.Trustaford.

[He chuckles.]

GODLEIGH.Now,Tim Clyst,if an'in case yu've agot some scandal on yer tongue,don't yu never unship it here.Yu go up to Rectory where 'twill be more relishedlike.

CLYST.[Waving the paper]Will y'give me a drink for this,Mr.

Godleigh?'Tes rale funny.Aw!'tes somethin'swats.Butiful readin'.Poetry.Rale spice.Yu've a luv'ly voice for readin',Mr.


GODLEIGH.[All ears and twinkle]Aw,what is it then?

CLYST.Ah!Yu want t'know tu much.

[Putting the paper in his pocket.]

[While he is speaking,JIM BERE has entered quietly,with his feeble step and smile,and sits down.]

CLYST.[Kindly]Hello,Jim!Cat come 'ome?


[All nod,and speak to him kindly.And JIM BERE smiles at them,and his eyes ask of them the question,to which there is no answer.And after that he sits motionless and silent,and they talk as if he were not there.]

GODLEIGH.What's all this,nowno scandal in my 'ouse!

CLYST.'Tes awful peculiarlike a drame.Mr.Burlacombe 'e don't like to hear tell about drames.A guess a won't tell 'ee,arter that.

FREMAN.Out wi'it,Tim.

CLYST.'Tes powerful thirsty today,Mr.Godleigh.

GODLEIGH.[Drawing him some cider]Yu're all wild cat's talk,Tim;

yu've agot no tale at all.

CLYST.[Moving for the cider]Aw,indade!

GODLEIGH.No tale,no cider!

CLYST.Did ye ever year tell of Orphus?

TRUSTAFORD.What?The old vet.up to Drayleigh?

CLYST.Fegs,no;Orphus that lived in th'old time,an'drawed the bastes after un wi'his music,same as curate was tellin'the maids.

FREMAN.I've 'eard as a gipsy over to Vellacott could du that wi''is viddle.

CLYST.'Twas no gipsy I see'd this arternune;'twee Orphus,down to Mr.Burlacombe's long medder;settin'there all dark on a stone among the dimsywhite flowers an'the cowflops,wi'a bird upon 'is 'ead,playin'his whistle to the ponies.

FREMAN.[Excitedly]Yu did never zee a man wi'a bird on 'is 'ead.


FREMAN.What sort o'bird,then?Yu tell me that.

TRUSTAFORD.Praaper old barndoor cock.Haw,haw!

GODLEIGH.[Soothingly]'Tes a vairytale;us mustn't be tu partic'lar.

BURLACOMBE:In my long medder?Where were yu,then,Tim Clyst?

CLYST.Passin'down the lane on my bike.Wonderful sorrowfulfine music 'e played.The ponies they did come round 'eyu cud zee the tears rennin'down their chakes;'twas powerful sad.'E 'adn't no 'at on.

FREMAN.[Jeering]No;'e 'ad a bird on 'is 'ead.

CLYST.[With a silencing grin]He went on playin'an'playin'.The ponies they never muved.An'all the dimsywhite flowers they waved and waved,an'the wind it went over 'em.Gav'me a funny feelin'.

GODLEIGH.Clyst,yu take the cherry bun!

CLYST.Where's that cider,Mr.Godleigh?

GODLEIGH.[Bending over the cider]Yu've a 'ad tu much already,Tim.

[The door is opened,and TAM JARLAND appears.He walks rather unsteadily;a man with a hearty jowl,and sullen,strange;epilepticlooking eyes.]

CLYST.[Pointing to JARLAND]'Tis Tam Jarland there 'as the cargo aboard.JARLAND.Avenin',all![To GODLEIGH]Pinto'beer.[To JIM BERE]


[JIM BERE looks at him and smiles.]

GODLEIGH.[Serving him after a moment's hesitation]'Ere y'are,Tam.[To CLYST,who has taken out his paper again]Where'd yu get thiccy paper?

CLYST.[Putting down his cidermug empty]Yure tongue du watter,don't it,Mr.Godleigh?[Holding out his mug]No zider,no poetry.

'Tis amazin'sorrowful;Shakespeare over again."The boy stude on the burnin'deck."

FREMAN.Yu and yer yap!

CLYST.Ah!Yu wait a bit.When I come back down t'lane again,Orphus 'e was vanished away;there was naught in the field but the ponies,an'a praaper old magpie,atop o'the hedge.I zee somethin'white in the beak o'the fowl,so I giv'a "Whisht,"an''e drops it smart,an'off 'e go.I gets over bank an'picks un up,and here't be.

[He holds out his mug.]

BURLACOMBE.[Tartly]Here,give 'im 'is cider.Rade it yureself,ye young teasewings.

[CLYST,having secured his cider,drinks it o$.Holding up the paper to the light,he makes as if to begin,then.slides his eye round,tantalizing.]

CLYST.'Tes a pity I bain't dressed in a white gown,an'flowers in me 'air.

FREMAN.Read it,or we'll 'aye yu out o'this.

CLYST.Aw,don't 'ee shake my nerve,now!

[He begins reading with mock heroism,in his soft,high,burring voice.Thus,in his rustic accent,go the lines]

God lighted the zun in 'eaven far.

Lighted the virefly an'the star.

My 'eart 'E lighted not!

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