
第135章 BOOK IX(15)

said Sir Dinadan,I would have my rest.That may not be,said Sir Tristram;now must we needs defend the custom of this castle,insomuch as we have the better of the lords of this castle,and therefore,said Sir Tristram,needs must ye make you ready.In the devil's name,said Sir Dinadan,came I into your company.And so they made them ready;and Sir Gaheris encountered with Sir Tristram,and Sir Gaheris had a fall;and Sir Palomides encountered with Sir Dinadan,and Sir Dinadan had a fall:then was it fall for fall.So then must they fight on foot.That would not Sir Dinadan,for he was so sore bruised of the fall that Sir Palomides gave him.Then Sir Tristram unlaced Sir Dinadan's helm,and prayed him to help him.I will not,said Sir Dinadan,for I am sore wounded of the thirty knights that we had but late ago to do withal.But ye fare,said Sir Dinadan unto Sir Tristram,as a madman and as a man that is out of his mind that would cast himself away,and I may curse the time that ever I saw you,for in all the world are not two such knights that be so wood as is Sir Launcelot and ye Sir Tristram;for once I fell in the fellowship of Sir Launcelot as I have done now with you,and he set me a work that a quarter of a year I kept my bed.

Jesu defend me,said Sir Dinadan,from such two knights,and specially from your fellowship.Then,said Sir Tristram,I will fight with them both.Then Sir Tristram bade them come forth both,for I will fight with you.Then Sir Palomides and Sir Gaheris dressed them,and smote at them both.Then Dinadan smote at Sir Gaheris a stroke or two,and turned from him.Nay,said Sir Palomides,it is too much shame for us two knights to fight with one.And then he did bid Sir Gaheris stand aside with that knight that hath no list to fight.Then they rode together and fought long,and at the last Sir Tristram doubled his strokes,and drove Sir Palomides aback more than three strides.And then by one assent Sir Gaheris and Sir Dinadan went betwixt them,and departed them in-sunder.And then by assent of Sir Tristram they would have lodged together.But Sir Dinadan would not lodge in that castle.And then he cursed the time that ever he came in their fellowship,and so he took his horse,and his harness,and departed.

Then Sir Tristram prayed the lords of that castle to lend him a man to bring him to a lodging,and so they did,and overtook Sir Dinadan,and rode to their lodging two mile thence with a good man in a priory,and there they were well at ease.And that same night Sir Bors and Sir Bleoberis,and Sir Ector and Sir Driant,abode still in the same place thereas Sir Tristram fought with the thirty knights;and there they met with Sir Launcelot the same night,and had made promise to lodge with Sir Colgrevance the same night.


How Sir Tristram jousted with Sir Kay and Sir Sagramore le Desirous,and how Sir Gawaine turned Sir Tristram from Morgan le Fay.

BUT anon as the noble knight,Sir Launcelot,heard of the shield of Cornwall,then wist he well that it was Sir Tristram that fought with his enemies.And then Sir Launcelot praised Sir Tristram,and called him the man of most worship in the world.

So there was a knight in that priory that hight Pellinore,and he desired to wit the name of Sir Tristram,but in no wise he could not;and so Sir Tristram departed and left Sir Dinadan in the priory,for he was so weary and so sore bruised that he might not ride.Then this knight,Sir Pellinore,said to Sir Dinadan:

Sithen that ye will not tell me that knight's name I will ride after him and make him to tell me his name,or he shall die therefore.Beware,sir knight,said Sir Dinadan,for an ye follow him ye shall repent it.So that knight,Sir Pellinore,rode after Sir Tristram and required him of jousts.Then Sir Tristram smote him down and wounded him through the shoulder,and so he passed on his way.And on the next day following Sir Tristram met with pursuivants,and they told him that there was made a great cry of tournament between King Carados of Scotland and the King of North Wales,and either should joust against other at the Castle of Maidens;and these pursuivants sought all the country after the good knights,and in especial King Carados let make seeking for Sir Launcelot du Lake,and the King of Northgalis let seek after Sir Tristram de Liones.And at that time Sir Tristram thought to be at that jousts;and so by adventure they met with Sir Kay,the Seneschal,and Sir Sagramore le Desirous;and Sir Kay required Sir Tristram to joust,and Sir Tristram in a manner refused him,because he would not be hurt nor bruised against the great jousts that should be before the Castle of Maidens,and therefore thought to repose him and to rest him.And alway Sir Kay cried:Sir knight of Cornwall,joust with me,or else yield thee to me as recreant.When Sir Tristram heard him say so he turned to him,and then Sir Kay refused him and turned his back.Then Sir Tristram said:As Ifind thee I shall take thee.Then Sir Kay turned with evil will,and Sir Tristram smote Sir Kay down,and so he rode forth.

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