
第209章 BOOK XI(1)


How Sir Launcelot rode on his adventure,and how he holp a dolorous lady from her pain,and how that he fought with a dragon.

NOW leave we Sir Tristram de Liones,and speak we of Sir Launcelot du Lake,and of Sir Galahad,Sir Launcelot's son,how he was gotten,and in what manner,as the book of French rehearseth.Afore the time that Sir Galahad was gotten or born,there came in an hermit unto King Arthur upon Whitsunday,as the knights sat at the Table Round.And when the hermit saw the Siege Perilous,he asked the king and all the knights why that siege was void.Sir Arthur and all the knights answered:There shall never none sit in that siege but one,but if he be destroyed.Then said the hermit:Wot ye what is he?

Nay,said Arthur and all the knights,we wot not who is he that shall sit therein.Then wot I,said the hermit,for he that shall sit there is unborn and ungotten,and this same year he shall be gotten that shall sit there in that Siege Perilous,and he shall win the Sangreal.When this hermit had made this mention he departed from the court of King Arthur.

And then after this feast Sir Launcelot rode on his adventure,till on a time by adventure he passed over the pont of Corbin;and there he saw the fairest tower that ever he saw,and there-under was a fair town full of people;and all the people,men and women,cried at once:Welcome,Sir Launcelot du Lake,the flower of all knighthood,for by thee all we shall be holpen out of danger.What mean ye,said Sir Launcelot,that ye cry so upon me?

Ah,fair knight,said they all,here is within this tower a dolorous lady that hath been there in pains many winters and days,for ever she boileth in scalding water;and but late,said all the people,Sir Gawaine was here and he might not help her,and so he left her in pain.So may I,said Sir Launcelot,leave her in pain as well as Sir Gawaine did.Nay,said the people,we know well that it is Sir Launcelot that shall deliver her.Well,said Launcelot,then shew me what I shall do.

Then they brought Sir Launcelot into the tower;and when he came to the chamber thereas this lady was,the doors of iron unlocked and unbolted.And so Sir Launcelot went into the chamber that was as hot as any stew.

And there Sir Launcelot took the fairest lady by the hand that ever he saw,and she was naked as a needle;and by enchantment Queen Morgan le Fay and the Queen of Northgalis had put her there in that pains,because she was called the fairest lady of that country;and there she had been five years,and never might she be delivered out of her great pains unto the time the best knight of the world had taken her by the hand.Then the people brought her clothes.And when she was arrayed,Sir Launcelot thought she was the fairest lady of the world,but if it were Queen Guenever.

Then this lady said to Sir Launcelot:Sir,if it please you will ye go with me hereby into a chapel that we may give loving and thanking unto God?Madam,said Sir Launcelot,come on with me,I will go with you.So when they came there and gave thankings to God all the people,both learned and lewd,gave thankings unto God and him,and said:Sir knight,since ye have delivered this lady,ye shall deliver us from a serpent there is here in a tomb.Then Sir Launcelot took his shield and said:

Bring me thither,and what I may do unto the pleasure of God and you I will do.So when Sir Launcelot came thither he saw written upon the tomb letters of gold that said thus:Here shall come a leopard of king's blood,and he shall slay this serpent,and this leopard shall engender a lion in this foreign country,the which lion shall pass all other knights.So then Sir Launcelot lift up the tomb,and there came out an horrible and a fiendly dragon,spitting fire out of his mouth.Then Sir Launcelot drew his sword and fought with the dragon long,and at the last with great pain Sir Launcelot slew that dragon.

Therewithal came King Pelles,the good and noble knight,and saluted Sir Launcelot,and he him again.Fair knight,said the king,what is your name?I require you of your knighthood tell me!


How Sir Launcelot came to Pelles,and of the Sangreal,and of Elaine,King Pelles'daughter.

SIR,said Launcelot,wit you well my name is Sir Launcelot du Lake.And my name is,said the king,Pelles,king of the foreign country,and cousin nigh unto Joseph of Armathie.And then either of them made much of other,and so they went into the castle to take their repast.And anon there came in a dove at a window,and in her mouth there seemed a little censer of gold.And herewithal there was such a savour as all the spicery of the world had been there.And forthwithal there was upon the table all manner of meats and drinks that they could think upon.So came in a damosel passing fair and young,and she bare a vessel of gold betwixt her hands;and thereto the king kneeled devoutly,and said his prayers,and so did all that were there.O Jesu,said Sir Launcelot,what may this mean?This is,said the king,the richest thing that any man hath living.And when this thing goeth about,the Round Table shall be broken;and wit thou well,said the king,this is the holy Sangreal that ye have here seen.So the king and Sir Launcelot led their life the most part of that day.And fain would King Pelles have found the mean to have had Sir Launcelot to have lain by his daughter,fair Elaine.And for this intent:the king knew well that Sir Launcelot should get a child upon his daughter,the which should be named Sir Galahad the good knight,by whom all the foreign country should be brought out of danger,and by him the Holy Greal should be achieved.

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