
第226章 BOOK XIII(2)

When the king had seen the letters,he said unto Sir Launcelot:Fair Sir,this sword ought to be yours,for Iam sure ye be the best knight of the world.Then Sir Launcelot answered full soberly:Certes,sir,it is not my sword;also,Sir,wit ye well I have no hardiness to set my hand to it,for it longed not to hang by my side.

Also,who that assayeth to take the sword and faileth of it,he shall receive a wound by that sword that he shall not be whole long after.And I will that ye wit that this same day shall the adventures of the Sangreal,that is called the Holy Vessel,begin CHAPTER IIIHow Sir Gawaine assayed to draw out the sword,and how an old man brought in Galahad.

NOW,fair nephew,said the king unto Sir Gawaine,assay ye,for my love.Sir,he said,save your good grace Ishall not do that.Sir,said the king,assay to take the sword and at my commandment.Sir,said Gawaine,your commandment I will obey.And therewith he took up the sword by the handles,but he might not stir it.Ithank you,said the king to Sir Gawaine.My lord Sir Gawaine,said Sir Launcelot,now wit ye well this sword shall touch you so sore that ye shall will ye had never set your hand thereto for the best castle of this realm.Sir,he said,I might not withsay mine uncle's will and commandment.

But when the king heard this he repented it much,and said unto Sir Percivale that he should assay,for his love.And he said:Gladly,for to bear Sir Gawaine fellowship.And therewith he set his hand on the sword and drew it strongly,but he might not move it.Then were there no[1]mo that durst be so hardy to set their hands thereto.Now may ye go to your dinner,said Sir Kay unto the king,for a marvellous adventure have ye seen.

So the king and all went unto the court,and every knight knew his own place,and set him therein,and young men that were knights served them.

So when they were served,and all sieges fulfilled save only the Siege Perilous,anon there befell a marvellous adventure,that all the doors and windows of the palace shut by themself.Not for then the hall was not greatly darked;and therewith they were[1]all[1]abashed both one and other.Then King Arthur spake first and said:By God,fair fellows and lords,we have seen this day marvels,but or night I suppose we shall see greater marvels.

In the meanwhile came in a good old man,and an ancient,clothed all in white,and there was no knight knew from whence he came.And with him he brought a young knight,both on foot,in red arms,without sword or shield,save a scabbard hanging by his side.And these words he said:Peace be with you,fair lords.Then the old man said unto Arthur:Sir,I bring here a young knight,the which is of king's lineage,and of the kindred of Joseph of Aramathie,whereby the marvels of this court,and of strange realms,shall be fully accomplished.

[1]Omitted by Caxton,supplied from W.de Worde.


How the old man brought Galahad to the Siege Perilous and set him therein,and how all the knights marvelled.

THE king was right glad of his words,and said unto the good man:Sir,ye be right welcome,and the young knight with you.Then the old man made the young man to unarm him,and he was in a coat of red sendal,and bare a mantle upon his shoulder that was furred with ermine,and put that upon him.And the old knight said unto the young knight:Sir,follow me.And anon he led him unto the Siege Perilous,where beside sat Sir Launcelot;and the good man lift up the cloth,and found there letters that said thus:This is the siege of Galahad,the haut prince.Sir,said the old knight,wit ye well that place is yours.And then he set him down surely in that siege.And then he said to the old man:Sir,ye may now go your way,for well have ye done that ye were commanded to do;and recommend me unto my grandsire,King Pelles,and unto my lord Petchere,and say them on my behalf,I shall come and see them as soon as ever I may.So the good man departed;and there met him twenty noble squires,and so took their horses and went their way.

Then all the knights of the Table Round marvelled greatly of Sir Galahad,that he durst sit there in that Siege Perilous,and was so tender of age;and wist not from whence he came but all only by God;and said:This is he by whom the Sangreal shall be enchieved,for there sat never none but he,but he were mischieved.Then Sir Launcelot beheld his son and had great joy of him.Then Bors told his fellows:Upon pain of my life this young knight shall come unto great worship.This noise was great in all the court,so that it came to the queen.Then she had marvel what knight it might be that durst adventure him to sit in the Siege Perilous.Many said unto the queen he resembled much unto Sir Launcelot.I may well suppose,said the queen,that Sir Launcelot begat him on King Pelles'daughter,by the which he was made to lie by,by enchantment,and his name is Galahad.I would fain see him,said the queen,for he must needs be a noble man,for so is his father that him begat,I report me unto all the Table Round.

So when the meat was done that the king and all were risen,the king yede unto the Siege Perilous and lift up the cloth,and found there the name of Galahad;and then he shewed it unto Sir Gawaine,and said:Fair nephew,now have we among us Sir Galahad,the good knight that shall worship us all;and upon pain of my life he shall enchieve the Sangreal,right as Sir Launcelot had done us to understand.Then came King Arthur unto Galahad and said:Sir,ye be welcome,for ye shall move many good knights to the quest of the Sangreal,and ye shall enchieve that never knights might bring to an end.Then the king took him by the hand,and went down from the palace to shew Galahad the adventures of the stone.


How King Arthur shewed the stone hoving on the water to Galahad,and how he drew out the sword.

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