
第274章 BOOK XVIII(7)

Sir,she said,it is a red sleeve of mine,of scarlet,well embroidered with great pearls:and so she brought it him.So Sir Launcelot received it,and said:Never did I erst so much for no damosel.And then Sir Launcelot betook the fair maiden his shield in keeping,and prayed her to keep that until that he came again;and so that night he had merry rest and great cheer,for ever the damosel Elaine was about Sir Launcelot all the while she might be suffered.


How the tourney began at Winchester,and what knights were at the jousts;and other things.

SO upon a day,on the morn,King Arthur and all his knights departed,for their king had tarried three days to abide his noble knights.And so when the king was ridden,Sir Launcelot and Sir Lavaine made them ready to ride,and either of them had white shields,and the red sleeve Sir Launcelot let carry with him.And so they took their leave at Sir Bernard,the old baron,and at his daughter,the Fair Maiden of Astolat.And then they rode so long till that they came to Camelot,that time called Winchester;and there was great press of kings,dukes earls,and barons,and many noble knights.But there Sir Launcelot was lodged privily by the means of Sir Lavaine with a rich burgess,that no man in that town was ware what they were.And so they reposed them there till our Lady Day,Assumption,as the great feast should be.So then trumpets blew unto the field,and King Arthur was set on high upon a scaffold to behold who did best.But as the French book saith,the king would not suffer Sir Gawaine to go from him,for never had Sir Gawaine the better an Sir Launcelot were in the field;and many times was Sir Gawaine rebuked when Launcelot came into any jousts disguised.

Then some of the kings,as King Anguish of Ireland and the King of Scots,were that time turned upon the side of King Arthur.And then on the other party was the King of Northgalis,and the King with the Hundred Knights,and the King of Northumberland,and Sir Galahad,the haut prince.But these three kings and this duke were passing weak to hold against King Arthur's party,for with him were the noblest knights of the world.

So then they withdrew them either party from other,and every man made him ready in his best manner to do what he might.

Then Sir Launcelot made him ready,and put the red sleeve upon his head,and fastened it fast;and so Sir Launcelot and Sir Lavaine departed out of Winchester privily,and rode until a little leaved wood behind the party that held against King Arthur's party,and there they held them still till the parties smote together.And then came in the King of Scots and the King of Ireland on Arthur's party,and against them came the King of Northumberland,and the King with the Hundred Knights smote down the King of Northumberland,and the King with the Hundred Knights smote down King Anguish of Ireland.Then Sir Palomides that was on Arthur's party encountered with Sir Galahad,and either of them smote down other,and either party halp their lords on horseback again.So there began a strong assail upon both parties.

And then came in Sir Brandiles,Sir Sagramore le Desirous,Sir Dodinas le Savage,Sir Kay le Seneschal,Sir Griflet le Fise de Dieu,Sir Mordred,Sir Meliot de Logris,Sir Ozanna le Cure Hardy,Sir Safere,Sir Epinogris,Sir Galleron of Galway.All these fifteen knights were knights of the Table Round.So these with more other came in together,and beat aback the King of Northumberland and the King of Northgalis.When Sir Launcelot saw this,as he hoved in a little leaved wood,then he said unto Sir Lavaine:See yonder is a company of good knights,and they hold them together as boars that were chafed with dogs.That is truth,said Sir Lavaine.


How Sir Launcelot and Sir Lavaine entered in the field against them of King Arthur's court,and how Launcelot was hurt.

NOW,said Sir Launcelot,an ye will help me a little,ye shall see yonder fellowship that chaseth now these men in our side,that they shall go as fast backward as they went forward.Sir,spare not,said Sir Lavaine,for I shall do what I may.Then Sir Launcelot and Sir Lavaine came in at the thickest of the press,and there Sir Launcelot smote down Sir Brandiles,Sir Sagramore,Sir Dodinas,Sir Kay,Sir Griflet,and all this he did with one spear;and Sir Lavaine smote down Sir Lucan le Butler and Sir Bedevere.And then Sir Launcelot gat another spear,and there he smote down Sir Agravaine,Sir Gaheris,and Sir Mordred,and Sir Meliot de Logris;and Sir Lavaine smote Ozanna le Cure Hardy.And then Sir Launcelot drew his sword,and there he smote on the right hand and on the left hand,and by great force he unhorsed Sir Safere,Sir Epinogris,and Sir Galleron;and then the knights of the Table Round withdrew them aback,after they had gotten their horses as well as they might.Omercy Jesu,said Sir Gawaine,what knight is yonder that doth so marvellous deeds of arms in that field?I wot well what he is,said King Arthur,but as at this time Iwill not name him.Sir,said Sir Gawaine,I would say it were Sir Launcelot by his riding and his buffets that I see him deal,but ever meseemeth it should not be he,for that he beareth the red sleeve upon his head;for I wist him never bear token at no jousts,of lady nor gentlewoman.

Let him be,said King Arthur,he will be better known,and do more,or ever he depart.

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