
第316章 BOOK XXI(6)

How when Sir Lancelot heard of the death of King Arthur,and of Sir Gawaine,and other matters,he came into England AND when he heard in his country that Sir Mordred was crowned king in England,and made war against King Arthur,his own father,and would let him to land in his own land;also it was told Sir Launcelot how that Sir Mordred had laid siege about the Tower of London,because the queen would not wed him;then was Sir Launcelot wroth out of measure,and said to his kinsmen:Alas,that double traitor Sir Mordred,now me repenteth that ever he escaped my hands,for much shame hath he done unto my lord Arthur;for all I feel by the doleful letter that my lord Sir Gawaine sent me,on whose soul Jesu have mercy that my lord Arthur is full hard bestead.Alas,said Sir Launcelot,that ever I should live to hear that most noble king that made me knight thus to be overset with his subject in his own realm.And this doleful letter that my lord,Sir Gawaine,hath sent me afore his death,praying me to see his tomb,wit you well his doleful words shall never go from mine heart,for he was a full noble knight as ever was born;and in an unhappy hour was I born that ever I should have that unhap to slay first Sir Gawaine,Sir Gaheris the good knight,and mine own friend Sir Gareth,that full noble knight.Alas,I may say I am unhappy,said Sir Launcelot,that ever I should do thus unhappily,and,alas,yet might I never have hap to slay that traitor,Sir Mordred.

Leave your complaints,said Sir Bors,and first revenge you of the death of Sir Gawaine;and it will be well done that ye see Sir Gawaine's tomb,and secondly that ye revenge my lord Arthur,and my lady,Queen Guenever I thank you,said Sir Launcelot,for ever ye will my worship.

Then they made them ready in all the haste that might be,with ships and galleys,with Sir Launcelot and his host to pass into England.And so he passed over the sea till he came to Dover,and there he landed with seven kings,and the number was hideous to behold.

Then Sir Launcelot spered of men of Dover where was King Arthur become.Then the people told him how that he was slain,and Sir Mordred and an hundred thousand died on a day;and how Sir Mordred gave King Arthur there the first battle at his landing,and there was good Sir Gawaine slain;and on the morn Sir Mordred fought with the king upon Barham Down,and there the king put Sir Mordred to the worse.Alas,said Sir Launcelot,this is the heaviest tidings that ever came to me.Now,fair sirs,said Sir Launcelot,shew me the tomb of Sir Gawaine.And then certain people of the town brought him into the castle of Dover,and shewed him the tomb.Then Sir Launcelot kneeled down and wept,and prayed heartily for his soul.And that night he made a dole,and all they that would come had as much flesh,fish,wine and ale,and every man and woman had twelve pence,come who would.Thus with his own hand dealt he this money,in a mourning gown;and ever he wept,and prayed them to pray for the soul of Sir Gawaine.And on the morn all the priests and clerks that might be gotten in the country were there,and sang mass of Requiem;and there offered first Sir Launcelot,and he offered an hundred pound;and then the seven kings offered forty pound apiece;and also there was a thousand knights,and each of them offered a pound;and the offering dured from morn till night,and Sir Launcelot lay two nights on his tomb in prayers and weeping.

Then on the third day Sir Launcelot called the kings,dukes,earls,barons,and knights,and said thus:My fair lords,I thank you all of your coming into this country with me,but we came too late,and that shall repent me while I live,but against death may no man rebel.But sithen it is so,said Sir Launcelot,I will myself ride and seek my lady,Queen Guenever,for as I hear say she hath had great pain and much disease;and I heard say that she is fled into the west.Therefore ye all shall abide me here,and but if I come again within fifteen days,then take your ships and your fellowship,and depart into your country,for I will do as I say to you.


How Sir Launcelot departed to seek the Queen Guenever,and how he found her at Almesbury THEN came Sir Bors de Ganis,and said:My lord Sir Launcelot,what think ye for to do,now to ride in this realm?wit ye well ye shall find few friends.Be as be may,said Sir Launcelot,keep you still here,for I will forth on my journey,and no man nor child shall go with me.So it was no boot to strive,but he departed and rode westerly,and there he sought a seven or eight days;and at the last he came to a nunnery,and then was Queen Guenever ware of Sir Launcelot as he walked in the cloister.And when she saw him there she swooned thrice,that all the ladies and gentlewomen had work enough to hold the queen up.So when she might speak,she called ladies and gentlewomen to her,and said:Ye marvel,fair ladies,why I make this fare.Truly,she said,it is for the sight of yonder knight that yonder standeth;wherefore I pray you all call him to me.

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