
第105章 Chapter 37(2)

I used a cipher.I didn't waste any time in sociabilities with Clarence,but squared away for business,straight-off --thus:

"The king is here and in danger.We were captured and brought here as slaves.We should not be able to prove our identity --and the fact is,I am not in a position to try.Send a telegram for the palace here which will carry conviction with it."His answer came straight back:

"They don't know anything about the telegraph;they haven't had any experience yet,the line to London is so new.Better not venture that.

They might hang you.Think up something else."Might hang us!Little he knew how closely he was crowding the facts.

I couldn't think up anything for the moment.Then an idea struck me,and I started it along:

"Send five hundred picked knights with Launcelot in the lead;and send them on the jump.Let them enter by the southwest gate,and look out for the man with a white cloth around his right arm."The answer was prompt:

"They shall start in half an hour."

"All right,Clarence;now tell this lad here that I'm a friend of yours and a dead-head;and that he must be discreet and say nothing about this visit of mine."The instrument began to talk to the youth and I hurried away.I fell to ciphering.In half an hour it would be nine o'clock.Knights and horses in heavy armor couldn't travel very fast.These would make the best time they could,and now that the ground was in good condition,and no snow or mud,they would probably make a seven-mile gait;they would have to change horses a couple of times;they would arrive about six,or a little after;it would still be plenty light enough;they would see the white cloth which I should tie around my right arm,and I would take command.

We would surround that prison and have the king out in no time.It would be showy and picturesque enough,all things considered,though I would have preferred noonday,on account of the more theatrical aspect the thing would have.

Now,then,in order to increase the strings to my bow,I thought I would look up some of those people whom I had formerly recognized,and make myself known.That would help us out of our scrape,without the knights.But Imust proceed cautiously,for it was a risky business.I must get into sumptuous raiment,and it wouldn't do to run and jump into it.No,I must work up to it by degrees,buying suit after suit of clothes,in shops wide apart,and getting a little finer article with each change,until I should finally reach silk and velvet,and be ready for my project.So I started.

But the scheme fell through like scat!The first corner I turned,Icame plump upon one of our slaves,snooping around with a watchman.I coughed at the moment,and he gave me a sudden look that bit right into my marrow.

I judge he thought he had heard that cough before.I turned immediately into a shop and worked along down the counter,pricing things and watching out of the corner of my eye.Those people had stopped,and were talking together and looking in at the door.I made up my mind to get out the back way,if there was a back way,and I asked the shopwoman if I could step out there and look for the escaped slave,who was believed to be in hiding back there somewhere,and said I was an officer in disguise,and my pard was yonder at the door with one of the murderers in charge,and would she be good enough to step there and tell him he needn't wait,but had better go at once to the further end of the back alley and be ready to head him off when I rousted him out.

  • 医方简义


  • 石田法薰禅师语录


  • 金匮玉函经二注


  • 佛说时非时经


  • 瓯北诗话


  • 管好自己的七个法则


    本书总结了七个方面怎样管好自己,并列集为七个法则: 真正认识自我:首先给自己定位; 确立人生目标:明确奋斗方向; 人生必备的生存能力:是你生存的必要手段; 养成良好的习惯:好习惯使人一生受益无穷; 学会善待时间:不会利用时间将会一事无成; 学会为自己理财:打理她自己一生的财富,是走向成功的标志; 保持身心健康:拥着健康是最大的财富。 其实,人的一生,追求的很多,就看怎么支待。如果能管理好自己的一生,相信每个人都会业有所成。说到底,一个人的成功没有什么秘籍和宝典,只能是从自身做起,循序渐进走好自己的每一步,相信成功便指日可待。
  • 死亡证明


  • 悄悄爱上你


    为了保住面子,她在前男友和前闺蜜的婚礼上一时头昏脑热,拉来这个路人甲充当自己的男朋友。没想到,这个路人甲,居然是RT集团的苏少。 更没想到,短短的一个星期之后,他会再次出现在她面前,表情厌恶声音冷淡,说出的话却是:“陪我去宋府参加晚宴。”威武能屈富贵能淫的她在资本主义的糖衣炮弹下屈服了,陪着他前去宋府演了第二场戏。说好从此以后各归各路一拍两散,可在晚宴上,宋府老太太却问:“对了,苏少,你打算什么时候把我们悄悄娶回去啊?” 她吓得差点把一口鸡汤喷出来,没想到他却笑眯眯地喝了一口鸡汤:“我当然是希望尽快了,悄悄这么讨人喜欢,不赶紧用结婚证把她拴牢我也不放心。”【情节虚构,请勿模仿】
  • 隆平纪事


  • 田园娇宠:种田修仙,生崽崽


  • 星穹圣祖


  • 清妾


    穿越成了瓜尔佳氏的小姐,苏灵儿表示咱很知足,顺利当上米虫,这是一种多么幸运的事情。 至于那个冷的让人心寒的王爷,咱还是躲远的吧,您这么优秀,咱高攀不起! 咱这种来自未来世界的呆萌二货,可得抱好几位大人物的粗腿,至于那个什么李氏,你能不能离咱远一些! 当呆萌小吃货遇到冷面雍亲王 是宠溺一生,还是蹉跎一世;
  • 墨染之泪1


    这里有幽默、真挚、天马行空,又充满了厚重的这里和感人的温情!这里是灵慧逼人、瑰丽恢宏的国度,让我们共赴想象力的盛宴。 胡伟红加盟新作,180°完美变身。 全新中国奇幻风时尚进化《墨染之泪》!2011年初春,用优美的文字和超凡的想象力带给你心灵的震撼!他的爱如海洋般深邃,他的心如天空般寂寥;而她在宠爱与呵护中陷入了阴谋的旋涡。
  • 有一种爱让你泪流满面


    爱是春天的种子、夏天的清凉、秋天的果实、冬天的温暖;爱是喧嚣世界外的桃源,是汹涌波涛后平静的港湾;爱是无边沙漠中的绿洲,是寂寞心 灵中最动心的慰藉。烟花,虽然终究烟消无踪,可它毕竟绚烂过。有些爱虽然过去,但依然如花般的绚烂,芳香四溢,铭刻在心!
  • 韩国常识

