
第109章 Chapter 39(2)

Down at our end there were but two tents;one for me,and another for my servants.At the appointed hour the king made a sign,and the heralds,in their tabards,appeared and made proclamation,naming the combatants and stating the cause of quarrel.There was a pause,then a ringing bugle-blast,which was the signal for us to come forth.All the multitude caught their breath,and an eager curiosity flashed into every face.

Out from his tent rode great Sir Sagramor,an imposing tower of iron,stately and rigid,his huge spear standing upright in its socket and grasped in his strong hand,his grand horse's face and breast cased in steel,his body clothed in rich trappings that almost dragged the ground --oh,a most noble picture.A great shout went up,of welcome and admiration.

And then out I came.But I didn't get any shout.There was a wondering and eloquent silence for a moment,then a great wave of laughter began to sweep along that human sea,but a warning bugle-blast cut its career short.I was in the simplest and comfortablest of gymnast costumes --flesh-colored tights from neck to heel,with blue silk puffings about my loins,and bareheaded.

My horse was not above medium size,but he was alert,slender-limbed,muscled with watchsprings,and just a greyhound to go.He was a beauty,glossy as silk,and naked as he was when he was born,except for bridle and ranger-saddle.

The iron tower and the gorgeous bedquilt came cumbrously but gracefully pirouetting down the lists,and we tripped lightly up to meet them.We halted;the tower saluted,I responded;then we wheeled and rode side by side to the grand-stand and faced our king and queen,to whom we made obeisance.

The queen exclaimed:

"Alack,Sir Boss,wilt fight naked,and without lance or sword or --"But the king checked her and made her understand,with a polite phrase or two,that this was none of her business.The bugles rang again;and we separated and rode to the ends of the lists,and took position.Now old Merlin stepped into view and cast a dainty web of gossamer threads over Sir Sagramor which turned him into Hamlet's ghost;the king made a sign,the bugles blew,Sir Sagramor laid his great lance in rest,and the next moment here he came thundering down the course with his veil flying out behind,and I went whistling through the air like an arrow to meet him --cocking my ear the while,as if noting the invisible knight's position and progress by hearing,not sight.A chorus of encouraging shouts burst out for him,and one brave voice flung out a heartening word for me --said:

"Go it,slim Jim!"

It was an even bet that Clarence had procured that favor for me --and furnished the language,too.When that formidable lance-point was within a yard and a half of my breast I twitched my horse aside without an effort,and the big knight swept by,scoring a blank.I got plenty of applause that time.We turned,braced up,and down we came again.Another blank for the knight,a roar of applause for me.This same thing was repeated once more;and it fetched such a whirlwind of applause that Sir Sagramor lost his temper,and at once changed his tactics and set himself the task of chasing me down.Why,he hadn't any show in the world at that;it was a game of tag,with all the advantage on my side;I whirled out of his path with ease whenever I chose,and once I slapped him on the back as I went to the rear.Finally I took the chase into my own hands;and after that,turn,or twist,or do what he would,he was never able to get behind me again;he found himself always in front at the end of his maneuver.

So he gave up that business and retired to his end of the lists.His temper was clear gone now,and he forgot himself and flung an insult at me which disposed of mine.I slipped my lasso from the horn of my saddle,and grasped the coil in my right hand.This time you should have seen him come!--it was a business trip,sure;by his gait there was blood in his eye.Iwas sitting my horse at ease,and swinging the great loop of my lasso in wide circles about my head;the moment he was under way,I started for him;when the space between us had narrowed to forty feet,I sent the snaky spirals of the rope a-cleaving through the air,then darted aside and faced about and brought my trained animal to a halt with all his feet braced under him for a surge.The next moment the rope sprang taut and yanked Sir Sagramor out of the saddle!Great Scott,but there was a sensation!

Unquestionably,the popular thing in this world is novelty.These people had never seen anything of that cowboy business before,and it carried them clear off their feet with delight.From all around and everywhere,the shout went up:


I wondered where they got the word,but there was no time to cipher on philological matters,because the whole knight-errantry hive was just humming now,and my prospect for trade couldn't have been better.The moment my lasso was released and Sir Sagramor had been assisted to his tent,Ihauled in the slack,took my station and began to swing my loop around my head again.I was sure to have use for it as soon as they could elect a successor for Sir Sagramor,and that couldn't take long where there were so many hungry candidates.Indeed,they elected one straight off --Sir Hervis de Revel.

BZZ!Here he came,like a house afire;I dodged:he passed like a flash,with my horse-hair coils settling around his neck;a second or so later,FST!his saddle was empty.

I got another encore;and another,and another,and still another.When I had snaked five men out,things began to look serious to the ironclads,and they stopped and consulted together.As a result,they decided that it was time to waive etiquette and send their greatest and best against me.To the astonishment of that little world,I lassoed Sir Lamorak de Galis,and after him Sir Galahad.So you see there was simply nothing to be done now,but play their right bower --bring out the superbest of the superb,the mightiest of the mighty,the great Sir Launcelot himself!

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