
第111章 Chapter 39(4)

"'Tis well said,right well said!And 'tis enough of parleying,let my lord the king deliver the battle signal."The king had to yield.The bugle made proclamation,and we turned apart and rode to our stations.There we stood,a hundred yards apart,facing each other,rigid and motionless,like horsed statues.And so we remained,in a soundless hush,as much as a full minute,everybody gazing,nobody stirring.It seemed as if the king could not take heart to give the signal.

But at last he lifted his hand,the clear note of the bugle followed,Sir Sagramor's long blade described a flashing curve in the air,and it was superb to see him come.I sat still.On he came.I did not move.People got so excited that they shouted to me:

"Fly,fly!Save thyself!This is murther!"I never budged so much as an inch till that thunderng apparition had got within fifteen paces of me;then I snatched a dragoon revolver out of my holster,there was a flash and a roar,and the revolver was back in the holster before anybody could tell what had happened.

Here was a riderless horse plunging by,and yonder lay Sir Sagramor,stone dead.

The people that ran to him were stricken dumb to find that the life was actually gone out of the man and no reason for it visible,no hurt upon his body,nothing like a wound.There was a hole through the breast of his chain-mail,but they attached no importance to a little thing like that;and as a bullet wound there produces but little blood,none came in sight because of the clothing and swaddlings under the armor.The body was dragged over to let the king and the swells look down upon it.They were stupefied with astonishment naturally.I was requested to come and explain the miracle.But I remained in my tracks,like a statue,and said:

"If it is a command,I will come,but my lord the king knows that Iam where the laws of combat require me to remain while any desire to come against me."I waited.Nobody challenged.Then I said:

"If there are any who doubt that this field is well and fairly won,I do not wait for them to challenge me,I challenge them.""It is a gallant offer,"said the king,"and well beseems you.Whom will you name first?""I name none,I challenge all!Here I stand,and dare the chivalry of England to come against me --not by individuals,but in mass!""What!"shouted a score of knights.

"You have heard the challenge.Take it,or I proclaim you recreant knights and vanquished,every one!"It was a "bluff"you know.At such a time it is sound judgment to put on a bold face and play your hand for a hundred times what it is worth;forty-nine times out of fifty nobody dares to "call,"and you rake in the chips.But just this once --well,things looked squally!In just no time,five hundred knights were scrambling into their saddles,and before you could wink a widely scattering drove were under way and clattering down upon me.I snatched both revolvers from the holsters and began to measure distances and calculate chances.

Bang!One saddle empty.Bang!another one.Bang --bang,and I bagged two.Well,it was nip and tuck with us,and I knew it.If I spent the eleventh shot without convincing these people,the twelfth man would kill me,sure.

And so I never did feel so happy as I did when my ninth downed its man and I detected the wavering in the crowd which is premonitory of panic.

An instant lost now could knock out my last chance.But I didn't lose it.

I raised both revolvers and pointed them --the halted host stood their ground just about one good square moment,then broke and fled.

The day was mine.Knight-errantry was a doomed institution.The march of civilization was begun.How did I feel?Ah,you never could imagine it.

And Brer Merlin?His stock was flat again.Somehow,every time the magic of fol-de-rol tried conclusions with the magic of science,the magic of fol-de-rol got left.

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