诺贝尔文学奖,以其人类理想主义的伟大精神,为世界文学提供了永恒的标准。其中所包含的诗、小说、散文、戏剧、哲学、史学等不同体裁。不同风格的杰作,流光溢彩,各具特色,全面展现了20世纪世界文学的总体各局。这些路数迥异的作家,虽语种不同、观念不同、背景不同,但他们那高擎思想主义旗帜的雄姿是相同的,他们那奋勇求索的自由精神是相同的。而他们的雄姿,无不闪现于他们的作品之中;他们的精神,无不渗透于这些作品的字里行间。这套丛书所承载的,正是他们那令万世崇敬的全部精华。一套丛书,为我们竖起了一座20世纪的文学丰碑。Amphibians' End (A Kulipari Novel #3)
Watch the Netflix original series based on the books starting September 4, 2016! The future of the Amphibilands has never looked so bleak. With Lord Marmoo still maniacally bent on taking over the outback, Darel can't fathom why the Rainbow Serpent wants him to lower the Veil, the Amphibilands' only source of protection. But the Serpent's message is clear, and in preparation for the inevitable battle, Darel and the Kulipari go in search of someone—anyone—to fight on their side. In their travels, the frog warriors make a perilous discovery: the outback's water supplies are mysteriously disappearing. With the odds stacked against them, Darel and the Kulipari must take one final stand to protect their home, before it becomes … the Arachnilands. The Kulipari trilogy comes to its thrilling conclusion in this action-packed adventure by Trevor Pryce and acclaimed comics artist Sanford Greene.