《在细雨中呼喊》是二十世纪九十年代的经典文本,是余华的第一部长篇力作。小说描述了一位江南少年的成长经历和心灵历程。《在细雨中呼喊》的结构来自于对时间的感受,确切地说是对记忆中的时间的感受,叙述者天马行空地在过去、现在和将来这三个时间维度里自由穿行,将忆记的碎片穿插、结集、拼嵌完整。Museum of Innocence
The Museum of Innocence-set in Istanbul between 1975 and today-tells the story of Kemal, the son of one of Istanbul's richest families, and of his obsessive love for a poor and distant relation, the beautiful Fusun, who is a shop-girl in a small wkkk.net novel depicts a panoramic view of life in Istanbul as it chronicles this long, obsessive, love affair between Kemal and Fusun; and Pamuk beautifully captures the identity crisis esperienced by Istanbul's upper classes who find themselves caught between traditional and westernised ways of wkkk.net the past ten years, Pamuk has been setting up a museum in the house in which his hero's fictional family lived, to display Kemal's strange collection of objects associated with Fusun and their relationship. The museum will be called The Museum of Innocence and it opens in 2010.成功创业的300个常识