春天,缕缕耀眼的阳光冲破厚厚的乌云,给予万物以新生的希望;夏天,斑斑热情的阳光穿透了茂盛的枝叶的缝隙,给予人们片片舒爽的阴凉;秋天,丝丝柔和的阳光折射熟了枝头的果实,给予一分耕耘一分收获的勇气;冬天,捧捧温暖的阳光融化了坚固的冰雪,给予人们不怕困难的信心。有阳光的地方就应该有我们自信的笑脸;只要有阳光,就必然有希望。阳光,充满爱意;阳光,充满生机;阳光,充满力量。当阳光成为一种品质与气质,我们的守望就会显得从容与殷实;当阳光成为一种指示和能量,我们的守望就是一季沉甸甸的丰收。阳光就是一剂良药,它能够排除我们体内消沉的因素,让我们感受到快乐,并且充满自信。缕缕阳光如希望。A Native's Return, 1945-1988
The third in a three-volume series, this edition chronicles the life of noted journalist, historian, and author William Shirer-a witness to the rise of the Third Reich. Here, Shirer recounts his return to Berlin after its defeat, his shocking firing by CBS News, and his final visit to Paris sixty years after he first lived there as a cub reporter in the 1920s. It paints a bittersweet picture of his final decades, friends lost to old age, and a changing world.More personal than the first two volumes, this final installment takes an unflinching look at the author's own struggles after World War II-and his vindication after the publication of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, his most acclaimed work. It also provides intimate details of his often-troubled marriage. This book gives readers a surprising and moving account of the last years of a true historian-and an important witness to history.