从人类呱呱坠地的那一声啼哭开始,伴随而来的各种痛苦也就应运而生。生活之苦、疾病之苦、对死亡的惧怕、对财富的贪恋、内心的烦恼、情感的波折等等,无时无刻不在困扰着我们,让我们殚精竭虑,叫苦不迭,挣扎在悲喜之间。每当痛苦到来的时候,很多人都是怨声载道、脆弱不堪甚至万念俱灰。其实,人生皆苦,苦就是人生。认识到了这一点,我们就能够学会接纳痛苦,增强战胜苦难的动力和信心,以及寻找到解脱痛苦、获得快乐的方法和智慧。Celebration & The Room
A restaurant. Two curved banquettes. It's a celebration. Violent, wildly funny, Harold Pinter's new play displays a vivid zest for wkkk.net The Room, Harold Pinter's first play, he reveals himself as already in full control of his unique ability to make dramatic poetry of the banalities of everyday speech and the precision with which it defines wkkk.net Pinter's latest play, Celebration, and his first play, The Room directed by the author himself, premired as a double-bill at London's Almeida Theatre in March 2000.