相恋几年的男友与大学同学劈腿,安檬捉奸反被害。这究竟是闹哪样?孟家新任家主,富可敌国,权势惊人?这孟淮南又和她有什么关系!冷酷总裁别乱来!“孟淮南,我究竟是哪点好,值你得苦苦纠缠?我改还不行吗!”腹黑男人邪魅一笑:“嫁给我,我就告诉你!”--情节虚构,请勿模仿Can I Sit on Your Lap While You're Pooping?
As a single dad, Matthew Carroll didn't always have someone to share in his frequent laughter and incredulity at the various things his daughter, Morgan, said. Hoping to docu?ment some of her best commentary, Carroll took to recording her choicest quotes on his iPhone when she was between the ages of three and five. He then compiled them chronologically in a small homemade volume for friends and family who, compelled by the hilarious and touching content, encouraged him to share it with a larger audience. Can I Sit on Your Lap While You're Pooping? is the record of the hilarious, crazy, and touching pronouncements of a little girl, but it's also the irresistible documentation of the love between a parent and child.1987年的浆水和酸菜(锐·小说系列第二辑)