欧洲之行(Aunt Jane's Nieces Abroad)
本书主要讲述了约翰叔叔带着三个侄女——贝丝、露易丝和帕齐到欧洲旅行的故事。在旅行中,他们目睹了维苏威火山喷发,他们乘坐的马车险些坠崖,约翰叔叔遭遇绑架差点丢掉性命,孩子们冒险营救……Before Dawn (Vampire, Fallen—Book 1)
"A book to rival TWILIGHT and VAMPIRE DIARIES, and one that will have you wanting to keep reading until the very last page! If you are into adventure, love and vampires this book is the one for you!"--wkkk.net (re Turned)In BEFORE DAWN (Book #1 of Vampire, Fallen), Kate, 17, hates her life. An outcast in her own family, who doesn't understand her, she is hated by her more popular and beautiful sister, and despised by her controlling mother, who favors her sister over her. Kate's only solace is her friends and her smarts. But even with that, her life seems destined for a dead-end—especially when her mother announces she will have to stay back from college to pay for her sister's tuition.婚恋中不能犯的100个错误大全集