本套书精选荟萃了中国历史上最具有代表性的也最具有影响力的名人,编辑成了这套《中国名人成才故事》(共10册),即《著名政治家成才故事》、《著名军事家成才故事》、《著名谋略家成才故事》、《著名思想家成才故事》、《著名文学家成才故事》、《著名艺术家成才故事》、《著名科学家成才故事》、《著名发明家成才故事》、《著名财富家成才故事》、《著名教育家成才故事》等,这些故事既有趣味性,又蕴含深刻的道理,能够带给我们深刻的启迪,是青少年课外不可缺少的精神食粮。Misty Gordon and the Mystery of the Ghost Pirates
Here is a funny middle-grade mystery from a bright new fiction talent. Things in the New England town of Ashcrumb are getting weird. Or just weirder. Misty Gordon, whose antique-dealing parents drive a van that says "D.E.A.D." on the side (for "Deceased’s Estate and Antique Dealer"), is accustomed to weird. One day, when accompanying her father to the estate of a recently departed clairvoyant, Misty discovers a notebook and a pair of eyeglasses that enable her to see ghosts! And solve mysteries. With the help of her new powers and her best friend, Yoshi, Misty learns that her hometown was settled not by respectable colonists but by pirates! And the ghosts of the pirates are returning to reclaim a dangerous, powerful treasure they lost centuries ago. Who will find it first, Misty or the pirates?非权力影响力的7堂课