吴优、任言恺主演的青春武侠大剧2月8日爱奇艺播出。江湖云诡波谲,飘香风波又起。《飘香剑雨》,是古龙“江湖名篇”系列之一。当正义威胁到了生存,一个人该如何抉择?本书中古龙对此问题进行了深刻的思考。名满江湖的铁戟温侯吕南人因妻子背叛自己、改嫁武林恶势力“天争教”教主萧无,打算从此隐姓埋名,躲避仇家。然而他与生俱来的正义之心却让他结识了一帮武林正道好友,更练就了一身非凡的武功。正当他准备踏上为武林除害的复仇之路时,却突然得知前妻曾为自己产下一子,当天就被人掠走……等待着这对父子的会是怎样的命运呢?吕氏父子让我们知道,为了正义而不惜牺牲一切者,谓之侠!Man of the Outback
When beautiful Sally Baxter moves to Australia, she is eager for adventure, freedom, and to make a life of her own--far from the demands of her meddling family. Her friend, Julia, owns a ranch--and when she offers to take Sally in, it seems too good to be true. But Julia's ranch is in danger. Arrogant, domineering landowner Grant Forsythe wants to buy the land--and he'll stop at nothing to get Julia to sell. At first intimidated and enraged, Sally can't help but be drawn to the handsome, determined Grant--and he makes no secret of his attraction to her.But then Grant proposes to Sally. And she can't help but wonder--is he doing it for love, or for the ranch?