梁子是个有良心的小偷,但正是他的良心把他送进了监狱,出来后他决定改邪归正。梁子先后干过搬运工和销售员,都被炒了,第二次更惨,几个人把他游街一样扭送到了派出所,有人打他,有人往他脸上吐痰。没有办法,梁子只得又做小偷,他决定只偷当官的,他盯上了一个姓贾的局长……承河市地处塞外的深山区,对这里的人来说,离得最近的城市是北京。说是最近,也有五百里的路,这里人说的是普通话,偶尔也会冒出几句“儿”话的京腔,他们不会把“我”说成“饿”,也不会把“你”说成“垒”。如果你站在周边最高的一座山峰罗汉山上往下看,就会知道这座城市太小啦。这座盆地里的城市,恐怕还不如南方的一座县城大。Death at La Fenice
Death at La Fenice is the first novel in Donna Leon's internationally best-selling Commissario Guido Brunetti series. During intermission at the famed La Fenice opera house in Venice, a notoriously difficult conductor is poisoned, and suspects abound. Brunetti, a native Venetian, sets out to unravel the mystery behind the high-profile murder. To do so, he he calls on his knowledge of Venice, its culture, and its dirty politics. Revenge, corruption, and even Italian cuisine play a role. The novel that started it all, Death at La Fenice is an entrancing mystery, rich in wkkk.net detective writers create so vivid, inclusive and convincing a narrative as Donna Leon, the expatriate American with the Venetian heart… . One of the most exquisite and subtle detective series ever. —The Washington Post