那一天,那个城市正遭遇近十年来最暴烈的风雪天。郁宁走进一座品位堪忧的大宅,并不知道将在那里见到再也无法忘记的人。她是美院一穷二白的学生,初衷只是一份报酬优越的工作,为此她成为年轻的舞台美术师严可铭的助手,却不知不觉中踏进一个从不曾想过的圈子。她觉得她像落水的人,在未知的河流中载沉载浮,迎接未可知的挑战和机遇,相识身份性情各异的人,但最美妙的是她爱上一个人。The Kings County Distillery Guide to Urban Moonshi
A new generation of urban bootleggers is distilling whiskey at home, and cocktail enthusiasts have embraced the nuances of brown liquors. Written by the founders of Kings County Distillery, New York City's first distillery since Prohibition, this spirited illustrated book explores America's age-old love affair with whiskey. It begins with chapters on whiskey's history and culture from 1640 to today, when the DIY trend and the classic cocktail craze have conspired to make it the next big thing. For those thirsty for practical information, the book next provides a detailed, easy-to-follow guide to safe home distilling, complete with a list of supplies, step-by-step instructions, and helpful pictures, anecdotes, and tips. The final section focuses on the contemporary whiskey scene, featuring a list of microdistillers, cocktail and food recipes from the country's hottest mixologists and chefs, and an opinionated guide to building your own whiskey collection.