【新书!《穿书后她在大佬怀里当团宠》求收藏,求打赏!】——“月老,我要谈恋爱。”魂穿瑶光女上神,东边勾搭了妖族族长,九尾狐,西边勾搭了冥府大佬,冥王。——“那,瑶光上神要找个什么样的呢,有没有条件?”她不假思索的说道,“要年轻点的,单纯的,最好是小奶狗。”——“哎,创世神烛龙的后人,年轻点的,强大,心思单纯,啥也不懂。”她欣然接受。——“我这红线一牵,那可就是天王老子来了,都断不了的。”她亲手将二人红线系在一起。后来,天庭的人都听说瑶光上神得了创世神烛龙的蛋蛋。好不容易孵化了。“wcnmd!这是年轻点的嘛,这都可以当我孙子了!”整个天庭都知道,她夫君出生了。——“瑶光,你找的小奶狗呢。”“额,在蛋里猫着呢。”众神一看,确实离小奶狗差点,是小奶龙。再后来这月老逢人就说,“瑶光上神养了个小夫君,呆呆萌萌。”她领着小夫君逛天庭花会。——“瑶光,这你孙子呐?”小奶龙摇身一变,将她强行揽入怀中,“我是她男人。”The Kennedy Years: From the Pages of The New York
The year 2013 is the 50th anniversary year of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, who still ranks as one of the top five presidents in every major annual survey. To commemorate the man and his time in office, the New York Times has authorized a book, edited by Richard Reeves, based on its unsurpassed coverage of the tumultuous Kennedy era. The Civil Rights Movement, the Bay of Pigs, the Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam, the space program, the Berlin Wall—all are covered in articles by the era's top reporters, among them David Halberstam, Russell Baker, and James Reston. Also included are new essays by leading historians such as Robert Dallek and Terry Golway, and by Times journalists, including Sam Tanenhaus, Scott Shane, Alessandra Stanley, and Roger Cohen. With more than 125 color and black-and-white photos, this is the ultimate volume on one of history's most fascinating figures.