本套丛书最大的特点是,标题提问简单明了,正文讲述精炼扼要,一问一答,相得益彰,详略得当,通俗易懂。正文还有趣味小版块,是对主要内容的适当补充、引申、扩展、点评、启发和引导等,用以开拓思维和引导知识,具有很强的启迪性。本套丛书涉及到少年儿童必须知道的许多知识领域,具有很强的系统性、实用性和现代性,是一套小小的百科全书,非常适合少年儿童阅读和收藏。More of Me
Teva goes to school, studies for her exams, and spends time with her friends. To the rest of the world, she's a normal teenager. But when she goes home, she's anything but normal. Due to a genetic abnormality, Teva unwillingly clones herself every year. And lately, home has become a battleground. When boys are at stake, friends are lost, and lives are snatched away, Teva has a fight on her hands—a fight with herself. As her birthday rolls around, Teva is all too aware that time is running out. She knows that the next clone will soon seize everything she holds dear. Desperate to hang on to her life, Teva decides to find out more about her past … and uncovers lies that could either destroy her or set her free.郡主彪悍:夫君请下堂