睁开双眸逆天重生,她从万人唾弃的相府嫡女成为举世无双神医,经营商道弄权谋,只为报血海深仇。灭族之仇,杀子之恨,锥心之痛,背叛之殇,秦宗延来世我必要吃光你的肉,喝光你的血,杀尽天下所有负我之人。可谁知命运捉弄,竟让她与画风突变霸道王爷的王爷杠上了!“娘子,为夫可能得了不治之症,我们来验证一下。”--情节虚构,请勿模仿Dr. Critchlore's School for Minions (#1)
Welcome to Dr. Critchlore's School for Minions, the premier trainer of minions for Evil Overlords everywhere. No student is prouder to be at Dr. Critchlore's than Runt Higgins, a twelve-year-old werewolf. (At least he thinks he's twelve. He was abandoned at the school as a baby, so he can't say for sure.) Runt loves everything about Dr. Critchlore's. He loves his classes—such as History of Henchmen and Introduction to Explosives. He loves his friends—such as Darthin the gargoyle and Syke the tree nymph. And he loves his foster family, who took him in when his wolf pack couldn't. But not everyone loves Dr. Critchlore's as much as Runt. After a series of disasters, each worse than the next, it's clear that someone is trying to shut the school down. It's up to Runt, who knows the place better than anybody, to figure out who's behind the attacks … and to save his home, and Dr. Critchlore himself, from total destruction.