本书告诉您◆如何把握衰退与繁荣的节奏:当一场大萧条几乎无可避免的时候。我们既要看到挑战,也要看到机遇。艰难时世不过是我们为下一轮经济的崛起所必须付出的代价,智者永远懂得在危机中寻找机遇。◆为什么信心比黄金更重要:一切都是金融危机惹的祸,可任何人都没有必要染上危机恐惧症。那些无处不在的消息,伴随着你在股市、基市里的钱大幅缩水,职业前景变得若明若暗,于是心中的恐惧不断扩大,心情变得越发糟糕。◆怎样在熊市中潜伏。在牛市中爆发:没有经历过大的牛熊转换的投资者很难真正成熟起来,投资是一项漫长而艰辛的历程,它绝对超出大部分新股民的想象。Sweet Treats & Secret Crushes
When a blizzard threatens to ruin Valentine's Day, three seventh-grade friends make and distribute fortune cookies to their lonely neighbors—and confront the secrets they've been keeping from one another. Confident Kate doesn't notice much but the latest gossip, and shy Georgia can't say out loud what's always on her mind. They're joined by observant, careful Olivia, whose epic, single-minded crush on PBJ (real name: Phillip Becker-Jacobs) is starting to frustrate them. Using fortune cookies that mysteriously always seem to speak directly to the person who opens them, the three girls try to work together to bring some love to their building while reminding each other why they're such good friends to begin with.