本文已弃。 作为前世南栾的第一女将,今生以胸无点墨的极品废材,闻名整个东启的帝无双,有一个非常伟大的志向:一则天下无双问鼎灵神,二则重掌大权看遍天下美男子。因而在世人眼中的她,从一介废材开始,修阴阳术,活白骨,最后还成为了整个东启头一位的女帝陛下。彼时北沐摄政王殿下以清冷矜贵闻名天下,可是帝无双看着这个整日将自己缠在榻上,捧在手心的人,完全都不觉得有半分传闻中的模样。直到她君临天下,某日兴致来潮。“摄政王,朕以天下为聘,十里红妆,娶你如何?”清冷矜贵的摄政王殿下从善如流,“在下之幸。”重生之傲娇魔君逆天妃
异界大陆,人族勇者王子伪装性别扮作公主,魔族公主则伪装性别扮为王子。性别的错位、种族的差异、立场的转换。身份迥然不同的他们却即将缔结婚约完成象征和平的重要联姻!事态究竟为什么会变成这样呢?王子与公主的联姻又究竟是会一帆风顺还是充满坎坷呢?没有人知道,不过就算前途捉摸不定两人亦无所畏惧。“呐,芙娜,如果你对今后这注定曲折的未来感到害怕,现在退缩还来得及哦?”“可别小瞧了一国之主的我哦?齐格在哪里我就在哪里,不论是什么困难险阻我们都会一起将它跨越!”异界的朱丽欧与罗密叶,王子公主的故事物语即将展开。What's Eating Gilbert Grape
Adapted into the classic 1993 film starring Johnny Depp as Gilbert and Leonardo DiCaprio in his Academy Award–nominated role as Arnie, What's Eating Gilbert Grape is the touching and entertaining story of an unusual family that rises up to do the astonishing…Gilbert Grape is a 24-year-old grocery store clerk stuck in Endora, Iowa, where the population is 1,091 and shrinking. After the suicide of Gilbert's father, his family never recovered. Once the town beauty queen, Gilbert's mother is morbidly obese after seven years of house-bound depression; his younger sister is boy-crazy and God-fearing, while his older sister sacrifices everything for her family. And then there's Arnie, Gilbert's younger brother with special needs. With no one else to care for Arnie, Gilbert becomes his brother's main parent, and all four siblings must tend to the needs of their helpless, grieving mother.