My Name is Red
In the late 1590s, the Sultan secretly commissions a great book: a celebration of his life and his empire, to be illuminated by the best artists of the day - in the European manner. At a time of violent fundamentalism, however, this is a dangerous proposition. Even the illustrious circle of artists are not allowed to know for whom they are working. But when one of the miniaturists is murdered, their Master has to seek outside help. Did the dead painter fall victim to professional rivalry, romantic jealousy or religious terror?With the Sultan demanding an answer within three days, perhaps the clue lies somewhere in the half-finished pictures … Orhan Pamuk is one of the world's leading contemporary novelists and in My Name is Red, he fashioned an unforgettable tale of suspense, and an artful meditation on love and deception.江山为聘:夫君太妖孽
《最棒店长的200个管理工具/零售商学院百分百系列》内容提要:很多企业都发现,店长的管理能力和水平,对于一个门店的持续经营往往显得非常重要。以前,很多企业都认为,一个好的店长只要会卖货,能把货品{肖售出去就行。 但现在评价一个好店长的标准不仅仅是会卖货了,更多的是看他的管理,看他能否带出一个好的团队。 本书囊括了一系列店长的管理技术与工具,有了这些管理技术和工具,可以迅速提升店长的管理能力,提升店员的工作效率,增强店面的竞争力。