一个异能者和普通人共存的异能世界;一个充满暴力、黑暗,只有顶尖高手才能生存的通灵世界。血族、狼人、克隆人、机器人的命运与悲欢,黑暗和鲜血,理想和热血,正邪之间荡气回肠,每个人的灵魂精彩绝伦。异现场调查科探员诸葛羽在经过各种淬炼后,终于成为一员悍将。(作者君天说诸葛羽的原型是NCIS里的Boss萌大叔Gibbs)自此奔走于各地,遭遇了诸如机械病毒、七星镇魂灯等一系列案子,凶手究竟是谁?有怎样的异能?诸葛羽与端木笙、转型后的老白会有怎样的故事发生?Sweeney Astray
Sweeney Astray is Seamus Heaney's version of the medieval Irish work Buile Suibhne - the first complete translation since 1913. Its hero, Mad Sweeney, undergoes a series of purgatorial adventures after he is cursed by a saint and turned into a bird at the Battle of Moira. The poetry spoken by the mad king, exiled to the trees and the slopes, is among the richest and most immediately appealing in the whole canon of Gaelic literature. Sweeney Astray not only restores to us a work of historical and literary importance but offers the genius of one of our greatest living poets to reinforce its claims on the reader of contemporary literature.