“王上,你还是娶别人吧,让我继续做我的逍遥捕快!”福哥儿指着脸上的疤痕,心已绞痛。青秋揽过她,忽然对着那疤痕轻轻印下一吻。“姐姐,我昨天刚刚颁布了一项法令,从此后伽罗国男子一生只许娶一个女子,从国王到臣子,都必须以身作则。姐姐,做我的王后吧。”又一年后,十六岁的青秋俯视着福哥儿说。“臭小子,竟敢比我高?不行!姐姐不嫁了!”福哥儿小声嘀咕道。下一刻,青秋一把将她抱起来,声音暧昧:“姐姐,你不嫁我还能嫁谁?”“大不了我一辈子不嫁,做一辈子捕快!”福哥儿强撑着最后的一点底气说。“姐姐,我打算再颁布一条法令,伽罗国女子终身不能做捕快!”青秋一脸坏笑道。“你敢!”福哥抬手去拍他脑袋。“只要姐姐答应做我的王后,我就加一条,除了王后,其他女子都不得做捕快!”青秋躲过某人的魔掌大笑。小捕快福哥儿最大的愿望就是攒足五百两银子给她爹招个上门女婿,但是自从她遇到少年青秋后,一切都不同了。The Penelopiad
Margaret Atwood returns with a shrewd, funny, and insightful retelling of the myth of Odysseus from the point of view of Penelope. Describing her own remarkable vision, the author writes in the foreword, I've chosen to give the telling of the story to Penelope and to the twelve hanged maids. The maids form a chanting and singing Chorus, which focuses on two questions that must pose themselves after any close reading of the Odyssey: What led to the hanging of the maids, and what was Penelope really up to? The story as told in the Odyssey doesn't hold water: there are too many inconsistencies. I've always been haunted by the hanged maids and, in The Penelopiad, so is Penelope herself." One of the high points of literary fiction in 2005, this critically acclaimed story found a vast audience and is finally available in paperback.