《闲情偶寄》是清初文人李渔的一部所谓寓“庄论”于“闲情”的“闲 书”,包涵词曲、演习、声容、居室、器玩、饮馔、种植、颐养等内容。本书编选校注点评者本着“取其精华,去其糟粕”的原则,主要依据雍 正八年芥子园《笠翁一家言全集》本并参照康熙十年翼圣堂本,选取了《闲情偶寄》的《词曲部》、《演习部》的几乎全部文字,《居室部》的大部分 文字,其他各部的少量文字,约十万言,占全书篇幅的二分之一。为了便于读者阅读和理解,对书中个别难懂的字句,尤其是典故、术语、人名和地名等等,尽量详细地作了注释。Only the Worthy (The Way of Steel—Book 1)
From Morgan Rice, #1 Bestselling author of THE SORCERER'S RING, comes a riveting new fantasy series.ONLY THE WORTHY (The Way of Steel—Book 1) tells the epic coming of age story of Royce, 17, a peasant farmer who senses, with his special fighting skills, that he is different from all the other boys in his village. There resides within him a power he does not understand, and a hidden destiny he is afraid to face.