《三明市地情资料丛书:三明风光览胜》为三明市地情资料丛书之一,努力运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的立场、观点、方法,实事求是地记述三明的自然景观、人文景观以及旅游设施,力求显现“资政、存史、教化”的作用。《三明市地情资料丛书:三明风光览胜》以三明现辖行政区域为记述范围,上限不限,下限以出版前最新资料的时间为准。《三明市地情资料丛书:三明风光览胜》各级景观按评定批准时间顺序排列;寺观教堂以始建时间顺序排列;民俗民情、土特产品与风味小吃等以区域排列。An Ocean in Iowa
A funny, bittersweet exploration of how a child can change in one short year of love, loss, and growing up…Seven-year-old Scotty Ocean decides that seven is going to be "his year." But soon after his birthday, his artist-turned-alcoholic mother abandons the family—leaving Scotty and his two older sisters alone with their father. As his perfect year is torn apart (falls apart?), Scotty begins to act out during school and takes a series of increasingly wild actions to try to win his mother back—and, when that doesn't work, to replace her.