他,在她最情动的时候转身离去,却承诺,用这世间最好的聘礼娶她过门。他,身份尊贵,举世无双,世人皆称他一声公子,却情系与她,久病成疾。还有他,一个铁血军师,曾经得她一丝恩惠,却甘愿化成绕指柔护她一生一世。她,来自于未来,重生在一个落魄的村庄,是一个弃女,却利用自己手中的超级系统发家致富,良田万顷,饰演了一个全然不同的人生。执掌天下权,醉卧美人膝。百万雄兵,万里江山。他日我若为帝,必以江山为聘,娶你过门。The Golden Ass
Lucius Apuleius, a young man of good parentage, takes a trip to Thessaly. Along the way, amidst a series of bizarre adventures, he inadvertently offends a priestess of the White Goddess, who promptly turns him into an ass. How Lucius responds to his new misfortune, and ultimately finds a way to become human again, makes for a funny and fascinating tale.The Metamorphosis of Apuleius, referred to by St. Augustine as The Golden Ass, is the oldest novel written in Latin to survive in its entirety. Originally written by Lucius of Patrae, this translation by Robert Graves highlights the ribald humor and vivid sense of adventure present in the original. Providing a rare window in to the daily lives of regular people in ancient Greece, Robert Graves' translation of this classic tale is at once hilarious, informative, and captivating.腹黑娇宠:清清河边有校草