重生前,她贵为姜国最尊贵的公主,偏偏恶毒人设深入人心,百官惧怕她,百姓痛恨她。最终国破人亡,大军攻入城门的时候,她惨死在挚爱人的手里,坠楼而亡,尸骨无存。带着记忆转世,她做了一名边疆公务员,劳心劳力,做精准扶贫,试图赎前世的罪。重生回到灭国前,她发誓将恶毒人设洗白,重走正轨,戴上皇冠,做高贵女皇,团灭继母,踩扁塑料初恋,勾搭多金男配,嗨翻全场。Polar Distress (Dr. Critchlore's School for Mi
Runt Higgins has a long to-do list. He needs to find out who cursed him, and why; he needs to make up with his best friend, Syke; and he needs to pass the Junior Henchman Training Program. That last one? Not likely. Professor Murphy hates Runt and is actively trying to fail him. The only way for Runt to pass the class and stay at Dr. Critchlore's school is to locate a rare mineral that Dr. Critchlore needs to make an Undefeatable Minion. To find it, Runt must travel to icy Upper Worb and battle gyrfalcons, yetis … and the loathsome team from Dr. Pravus's school. Their newest member? Runt's former best friend, Syke.徐树铮(北洋风云人物)