本文针对的是世上大多数的普通男女青年。这是一个姐姐教弟弟追妹妹的时代。姐姐集合亲身经历和历年见闻,呕心沥血冥思苦想,将姑娘们的小心思翻来覆去地细细研究,形成此本追女孩宝典,过程精华凝结于此书之中。Worlds of Ink and Shadow
Charlotte, Branwell, Emily, and Anne. The Bront? siblings find escape from their constrained lives via their rich imaginations. The glittering world of Verdopolis and the romantic and melancholy world of Gondal literally come to life under their pens, offering the sort of romance and intrigue missing from their isolated parsonage home. But at what price? As Branwell begins to slip into madness and the sisters feel their real lives slipping away, they must weigh the cost of their powerful imaginations, even as the characters they have created—the brooding Rogue and dashing Duke of Zamorna—refuse to let them go. Gorgeously written and based on the Bront?s'juvenilia, Worlds of Ink and Shadow brings to life one of history's most celebrated literary families in a thrilling, suspenseful fantasy.