公司老总罗青松携带“寒衫2号”参加林博会招商引资,无人问津,临走前偶遇自己的堂兄弟罗青春市长,二人因为家族的纠葛陷入冷战与对抗。父辈间的矛盾冲突、家族内部的纠纷、关于祖坟冒青烟的传说,也渐渐地浮出了水面。The Council of Mirrors (Sisters Grimm #9)
In the final volume in the Sisters Grimm series, Sabrina, Daphne, and the rest of the Grimms and their friends must face off against the Master to decide the fate of Ferryport Landing—and the world. When Mirror fails to escape the barrier using Granny Relda's body, he turns to his plan B: killing all the Grimms so that the magical barrier collapses. In the meantime, Sabrina has gathered the other magic mirrors as advisors on how to deal with their mortal enemy. They tell her to join forces with the Scarlet Hand against Mirror, in exchange for offering all the citizens of Ferryport Landing their freedom. This final chapter is the end of the road for several beloved characters, but the conclusion is sure to satisfy devoted fans of the series.