儿童的主要教养人是儿童的父母,但由于父亲社会角色的限制,在现代社会中,父亲参与儿童的教育往往缺位较多。父亲是否应该更多地参与家庭教育?如何参与?父亲教育子女的方式方法与母亲有何不同?这些都是困扰许多家庭的共同问题。本书以2013年度上海市优秀家长获奖案例为基础,梳理优秀和感人的30个智慧父亲的育儿故事,展示父亲在教育子女中的独特作用,引发父亲参与家庭教育的共鸣。Soft Velvet Night
When shy, self-effacing Shivonne takes a position as companion to a wealthy elderly lady, she never dreams her new job will lead to love. But her employer has other plans. She's desperate to distract her handsome son, Kurt, from the cold, arrogant heiress he's currently pursuing with single-minded attention--and she thinks a lovely, soft-spoken Irish girl is just the temptation she needs to get the job done. But Shivonne would never dream of trying to compete with a beautiful heiress. Until she meets Kurt--and falls desperately in love.