绿色革命之路或许并不会一帆风顺,但是我们坚信未来是美好的,拥有无穷智慧的人类一定会让绿色重新覆盖地球。在不久的将来,地球上必定会再次呈现处处郁郁葱葱、鸟语花香、万物欣欣向荣的美丽景象。《伟大的绿色革命》是趣味科学馆丛书之一。内容包括日益恶化的生存环境、席卷全球的绿色革命、清洁环保的新型能源、生态平衡与生态农业、可持续发展与绿色未来五个模块。《伟大的绿色革命》由刘芳编著。Night Train to Lisbon
Raimund Gregorius teaches classical languages at a Swiss lycae, and lives a life governed by routine. One day, a chance encounter with a Portuguese woman inspires him to question his lifeand leads him to an extraordinary book that will open the possibility of changing it. Inspired by the words of Amadeu de Prado, a doctor whose intelligence and magnetism left a mark on everyone who met him and whose principles led him into a confrontation with Salazar's dictatorship, Gergorius boards a train to Lisbon. As Gregorius becomes fascinated with unlocking the mystery of who Prado was, an extraordinary tale unfolds.